He's Hiding Something

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        I stood there breathless. What was just about to happen? I shook the thought from my mind and ran out the room. The deck was filled blood everywhere. The smell of it was so strong that my eyes started to water. A hand came up and wiped the tears away, but in the process smeared blood that was on the hand. I looked up to find my green eyed demon staring down at me. He had a cruel smile spread on his face. His eyes were bright and wild. The most revolting thing of all was that there was blood all over him. It was as if he was soaked in his victim's blood. I looked back to the bodies on the deck and realized that they were not the bodies of our men; they were the corpses of our enemy's ship. But if that was the case, then where was the other ship? I slowly looked back to Percy, searching his eyes for some answers. He gave nothing away.

"How... How were you able to kill them in a matter of second?" I hated how vulnerable I sounded, but I couldn't help the way fear crept up on me. I left the room only a few minutes after him and already the enemy had been destroyed.  

His smile grew wider, "Are you scared?" 

"No, i'm just curious." I sounded very far away and he noticed. 

He gripped my arm and I flinched. I tried to shake him off but he was having none of it.

"I advice you to stay still Annabeth" he said with controlled anger.

He moved his hand to my forehand and checked my pulse. A dissatisfied look appeared on his face. He started to pull me to the bedroom, but not before I got a glimpse of the severed bodies floating in the water. One of the corpse's dead eyes were staring right at me. I screamed until my throat turned raw. Percy pushed my face to his chest and proceeded to the room. Once we were inside my legs gave up on me. I collapsed to the floor scared and angry. 

"How can you do that to someone?" I screeched. "One bullet to the head was all you needed to do. You didn't need to rip them limb from limb! 

He grabbed my face and brought it towards him. "Enough" his whispered. "When someone crosses me that's the punishment they get. You should learn from this situation."

"Now, rest" He released me and started walking towards the door.

"Go ahead"

"What?" he replied

"I said go ahead. Kill me"

He looked at me confused.

"You said that's the punishment of anyone who double crossed you, and I double crossed you many times, so kill me." I grabbed a knife from a bowl of fruit and threw it to him. He caught it swiftly and stared at it.

"All right" he replied and started walking towards me with the knife in his hand.

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