The Search

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I slowly opened my eyes to a blurred image of a girl and a guy discussing. My vision started to clear.

"How is she?" I heard Percy say.

" She's doing fine. Her heart rate is normal now"

I started to panic. "What happened? Was my cover blown?"I asked myself. My heart started beating faster by the minute. At first I was on deck, then next thing I knew I was in a nursing room.

I felt rough hands grab my wrist. I closed my eyes and pretended like I was still passed out.

"You're a liar," he hissed.

My heart rate increased even more. I knew I have been caught. He raised his hand and I prepared for a hard slap, but instead of it hitting me, it connected with the nurses cheek.

I stood there stunned. I heard Percy yell at the nurse while grabbing her by the throat.

"You said that she was fine," he whispered. "Then why is her heart rate going at 75 beats per minute. She's at risk of getting a heart attack. Fix her or I'll break you." 

He released the nurse's throat and she slid down on the wall, obviously dazed at what just happened.

He walked back over to me and put his hand over mine. I flinched at his touch.

"Hazel," he said, "Wake up." He shook me until I opened my eyes. I felt relieved that my cover wasn't blown, but scared by the way he just acted.

I gave him a confused look, while bringing my hat down my eyes a little more.

"You fainted from stress" he replied, answering my unspoken question. "What was troubling you?"

I was shocked by the concern in his eyes. Percy may have been strict towards everyone, but he loved Hazel as a sister, which meant if Percy found out what I did to Hazel, he would skin me alive.

When I didn't answer him, he nodded, remembering I lost my voice.

"I'll ask you later," he said. He kissed my cheek and left the room.

For some reason, my cheek burned. It was probably because I was burning with anger.

My train of thought was broken, when the ships alarm went off. 

" Captain, the prisoner has escaped! Her room is empty!"

   I started to panic, I had to get out of here.

I got up, ignoring the nurse's claims that I wasn't well enough to get out of bed.

"I have to help them find her, before she's gone for good." I told the lady.  She eventually approved.

Little did the nurse know that it was I everyone was searching for.

(Sorry this was short and a little rushed ): )

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