The Plan

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Blood and sweat streams down my face like a river. Oh, but don't think that this is my blood. The thick red liquid that is splattered on my face is the blood of my poor victim. My name is Percy Jackson and unless you want to end up like him, I suggest you don't get in my way.

Now you may call me cruel, heartless, and merciless for what I did to that guy, but let me tell you that I am not 100% cold blooded. Hey, at least I killed him quickly and did not make him suffer excruciating pain; although that sounds pretty pleasureful. Judge me how you want. I really could not care less. This is the way I am. You should also know that I am greedy. I will do anything for money; like kidnap Athena's most favorite daughter, Annabeth Chase.

This plan came to my mind a few days ago when I was with my crew. Leo, Jason, Frank, Nico and I were discussing of way of getting millions of dollars.

" How the heck are we going to get more money? We have already looted everyone in town. Are you just going to sit there Percy Jackson or are you going to figure something out!" Leo spat.

As fast as lightning, Percy had riptide against Leo's neck.Small amounts of blood trickled down his thoat. "Don't you ever dare to talk to me like that again". Next time you do I will do the honors of slicing your neck and letting you bleed to death" Percy said deadly calm.

Leo gulped and asked for forgiveness. Percy forgave him (see he's not all that heartless. he he). Leo got to his feet while still shaking. He asked in a more respectful tone of how they were going to gain more money.

"We could loot another town" said Jason.

"Not going to happen. Number one, we do not have enough money to travel to another town. Number two, I can't leave my wife and baby" replied Nico.

"Anyone have another plan?" Frank said

Everyone turned their head to look at Percy, who was smiling menacingly. "Why not just kidnap the daughter of Athena and hold her for ransom?" After hearing that, each person in the crew started to smile. They all liked the idea.

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