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        I gazed into Percy eyes in confusion. Was he serious? But nothing in his eyes were hinting that he wasn't. Water started flooding the ship, but the crew didn't look even remotely nervous. My eyes started to water from salty air. 

    He grabbed me and pulled me close. The water on the deck were pulling towards us as if it were enchanted with magic. I stared at it in disbelief, I had no idea what was causing it to do that. I looked at Percy, his eyes burned into mine. My breathing speed up when I saw the water forming a cocoon around us. I looked at Percy in shock, but he acted as if this was normal, as if... he was controlling it. 

"I'm going to marry you in my own way, our souls will be intertwined."

"Your crazy!"

I had heard of this before in stories I listened to when I was a child.  It was said that the the child of Neptune soulbinded a young girl to himself. That meant no matter how many times the girl was reincarnated, her husband would always be the one she was bound to. No matter how distant they were from each other, they would always end up together. I shook the thought from my head. 

"Percy, that was a myth! There's no such thing as soul binding"

His mouth formed a half smile that was so full of confidence and assurance. He leaned in close to my ear.

"Good thing, I'm a son of Poseidon."

I started at him for a few minutes then...

 My body jerked from his words. It was as if he punched me in the stomach, knocking the breath out of me, I didn't believe him. I didn't want to believe him, but it was all starting to make sense. He was the most powerful and dangerous captain of the sea, every time his mood darkened so did the ocean. The ocean reflected his emotions; the waves crashed down and clapped against the wind whenever his temper had reached an all time high. His smell even reminded her of the ocean, just as his sea green eyes reminded me of my mother's description of Poseidon's eyes. A ruthless god with with only one goal in mind, to drown and corrupt the world. His green eyes reflected vengeance and hatred, but did Percy's?

I stared into his eyes, but couldn't see much. He emotions were tucked and locked away, the only thing she saw in them was power.

I pushed against him, but he was anticipating that. He locked his muscles around me and refused to let go. I had to get out. I was a daughter of Athena and he was the child of the big three.

The more I struggled the more the water tightened around us. 

"Percy please," I begged. "This isn't right"

I didn't see his mouth move, but the sea whispered "this is my right." And then it grabbed us and we plunged into the sea. 

I anticipated the water to be freezing cold, but it actually warm and smooth. It caressed me, which soothed my nerves. I couldn't see anything, just black. Like the sun turned off. I gripped Percy. I felt him peck my lips and whisper something in my ears.

"It's alright, your in my domain. You are safe."

"What's happening?" I said in a small voice, surprised that I could actually talk.


We were drifting aimlessly around deeper and deeper into the ocean. When I felt the ground beneath me, that's when panic set in. I was at the very bottom of the ocean.  Thirty-six thousand feet  beneath the surface. My breath came out rapidly, I still couldn't see anything. I tried not to, but I started to cry.

"shush Annabeth" he said soothingly, but I couldn't stop. My mind was worn out from all this confusion.

I buried my head in his chest and continued weeping. He pulled me closer and let cry freely until I was done.

I felt him wipe the tears around my eyes in surprisingly gentle movements.

"We will be down here for about two day, but there's nothing for you to worry about"


He walk me a few feet before he stopped. I heard something crack and a bloom of light appeared. It outlined his beautiful face and the area around him.

We were in front of a door to what looked a small house, the words Poseidon written in Greek was scratched on it.

"Open it"

I slowly grabbed the knob and turned it to reveal what was inside. 

It was beyond what I had anticipated. Instead of it being a small house, it was a large palace filled with bright light. 

Welcome to your temporary home my sea queen and his lips brushed mines.

Sorry for the extremely late update. We should sign a petition that limits the amount of test and homework a teacher can give their students! Hang in there guys, just wait for summer, then I will be updating every week.

Someone Please Save Me (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang