The Hunter will become the Hunted

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    I closed my eyes and prepared myself for a painful death. His footsteps were coming closer. I wished he just did it fast. I couldn't take the suspense. Suddenly, I could feel that he was right in front of me. Tears leaked out of my eyes. I couldn't even stop them from flowing. I wanted to at least die with dignity, but I couldn't even have that. Maybe I deserved this for killing Haz__

    My train of thought was completely and utterly shattered. A feeling of shock overwhelmed me. I felt his lips press onto mine. What shocked my even more was how sweet and pure it was. I heard something drop to the ground, the knife. Both his hands grasped mine. A while later, he slowed the kiss and eventually released me. He looked straight into my eyes. Grey to green. I didn't know if it was just me, but his eyes looked shocked and affectionate? It was the look that lovers exchanged. My heart was beating rapidly. When he looked at ours entwined hands, I realized that I unknowingly was grabbing his hand too. I quickly released it and tried to put as much distance between us, but he didn't allow that. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. When I examined his face for some kind of answer of why he kissed me, his eyes turned angry.

A laugh shoot out from his mouth. It was a laugh full of anger and hurt?

"Every time I kiss you I slowly kill a part of you. There you go, that's your punishment. I will kill you emotionally while taking your rights, your freedom." he sneered.

He pushed me away and turned his back on me without letting me reply.

"It's almost midnight. Get ready for bed. Tomorrows a big day," and without another word he left me alone with my thoughts.


    I tossed and turned for what must have been two hours. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. I was so confused. Before I couldn't stand it when he got close to me, but now all I wanted was to be in his arms. I shook the thought from my head. It's just another case of Stockholm Syndrome.He was right, his kisses killed me in the insides and they did nothing more.  I hated how I sounded like I was trying to convince myself.

I quickly shut my eyes as the door creaked open. I knew it was him, my green eyed demon. The smell of the ocean was lingering in the air. I heard him place something on the table next to the bed. I froze with fear as he grabbed me and put me in a sitting position with him as support. I still pretended I was asleep, scared of what I might see if I opened them. "Was he actually gonna stab me this time? Was that the knife he placed on the table?" 

I felt a cup being placed on my lips. A warm creamy milk-like drink dribbled down my throat. It was then when I released how hungry I have been. I resisted the urge to slurp the savory drink. It was thick and it tasted foreign. It left a sugary taste in my mouth. The cup was pulled away from me and my stomach growled. I was about to curse myself, but he brought the cup back to my lips, refilled with the delectable drink. My mouth watered.

As soon as I was full, he slowly laid me down on the bed and left the room. I missed the warmth of him immediately, but decided to not think of it to much. I kept thinking of all the reason he was doing this. I was his enemy; why was he showing me this soft side of him. Unless... It's really not a soft side. he could be faking it, like a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. I was a fool for almost falling for it. Who knows if he put something in the drink. I cursed myself for being so gullible. He was the predator and I was his prey. Anger fueled me." I promise you Percy Jackson," I whispered fiercely in the night," the hunter will become the hunted."

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