Pushing the Limit

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           I looked at all the men in front of me standing next to each other. They all looked uncomfortable. 

"Annabeth, who is the one that misbehaved with you?" 

His green eyes scanned his crew searching for the guilty one. I noticed one the men was sweating nervously, I narrowed my eyes. His face was covered by the shadows of the room. It was hard to see clearly. Percy must have saw my expression because when his eyes followed mine, he grabbed the man by his collar and pulled him down to the floor. 

"Traitor!" Percy screamed.

The shadow left the man's face and I was able to get a good look at him. He was a bit older than me, yet younger than Percy. He had a little stubble on his chin and brown hair that framed his face. This wasn't Arnold; this was the man that technically saved me from Arnold. I remember him offering to dance with me, which ultimately placed a distance between me and my dangerous admirer.

The man put his hands together and began pleading with Percy. "Please, Captain. I didn't know you would be offended with me dancing with her. I only wanted to get her away from the man who was restraining her. I am loyal to you and your wife."

I stepped in front of the man on the floor. "Percy he's not Arnold. He is faithful to you. He did not misbehave with me, he actually protected me," I cried. 

I heard Percy mutter something under his breath. It sounded suspiciously like "It's my job to protect you."

"If he isn't Arnold then who is?"

That same strange feeling came back. I could feel him watching me, but I couldn't see him. 

I let out a shaking breath. "Nobody in here is Arnold"

Percy grabbed me and brought his face close to mine. I stupidly thought he was about to kiss me, but he stopped inches away. My cheeks heated up.

"Are you telling me the truth? You know you have nothing to be scared about right?"

"I know. I promise none of these men are Arnold."

He searched my eyes for any hint of lie. When he was satisfied by what he saw, he put an arm around me and led me out of the room, but stopped when we reached the door.

"Oh and Charles," he said, addressing the boy on the ground, "You will clean the whole ship single-handedly, let that be a warning to you and the others. If anyone gets close to my wife again, the punishment will be much more severe"

And with that, he left the room. I tried to hide the smile on my face.


          I stabbed my fork into the mushroom. Here I was cooped up in a room and being watched over like a child while everyone else was having a grand time getting ready to reach land. When he said he wasn't going to let me out of his sight, I didn't mean think he meant it literally. 

I turned away from Percy's watchful eyes. I imagined the mushroom being him. 

I felt him place his arm around me from behind, but I was having none of it.

" I want to go outside," I said, but then stopped. He was fingering the ring on my finger, the one placed by Arnold. 

"You know your mine right?"

I stayed silent, wondering how much this was hurting him. It must have been bad seeing your significant other wearing a ring that wasn't given by you. I wish I could take it off.

To make up for it, I hesitantly kissed him on the cheek. I realized this was the first time, I ever kissed a boy. My blush deepened, but I only did it to make him feel better not because I liked it right?

He smiled widely and a dimple surfaced. I never noticed it before, it made him look even more attract_ never mind. His fingers moved to my wedding ring placed by him. With a jolt, I realized both rings were placed forcefully on my hand. 

I stepped out of his arms as carefully as I could. His green eyes penetrated my soul. 

"When are you going to stop pushing me awa_" He stopped himself. "Get some sleep, we should reach land early in the morning" He left the room, anger radiating from him. I heard the familiar click of the door locking. 



           I wasn't having the best sleep. My mind was tired, but my body had a lot of energy. I groaned, if I didn't get any sleep then I'll have a headache in the morning. Great. 

I heard the door open and squeezed my eyes shut. If Percy saw that I was awake he would think that I couldn't go to sleep because of the Arnold incident. Then he would accuse me of not trusting him to protect me. The guy was complicated. 

I felt him get closer to me. He planted a kiss on my cheek, but suddenly his body became rigid as the door opened again. 

"Annabeth" the voice of Percy sounded far away, not like he was right next to me.

My eyes flew open and I jumped out of bed. I saw Percy stand right next to the door with a confused expression.

"Nightmare?" he said.

My heart started to race.

"Did you just come? Or did you come in before?"

"I just came" He narrowed his eyes. "Why, what happened?"

"Sss_oo you didn't give me that kiss on my cheek?"

His face became hard. He crossed the room and pulled me toward him.

"What do you mean?" he looked menacing.

"I waas asleep when I heard someone come in and place a kiss on my cheek. I thought it was you, but then the door opened again and you came in. "

I watched as his eyes turned into a darker shade of green. He grabbed the dagger on the table and searched every corner of the room. After that, he proceeded to check the bathroom but found no one.

I felt faint. I had to sit down or I would panic. How does he disappear so fast?

As I was about to sit down, I felt something under me. I quickly stood up and looked at the spot where I sat.

It was a man's wedding ring. There was a note next to it. 

You will place this symbol of our marriage on me during our wedding

Percy snatched the ring from my hands and read the note. He clenched the hand with the ring and when he opened it, it was completely bent. 

Percy grabbed my hand and brought me toward the deck of the ship. The crew immediately became silent. Anger ignited in his body, red hot.  He grabbed me close and threw the ring into the sea. The ocean ate it right up, but it was like it had stomach problems. Strong waves hit the ship with great force, but it didn't effect Percy. 

"Listen up!" he said to his crew. "I little boy named Arnold has an attraction towards my wife. He wants there to be a wedding." He threw his head back and laughed, but it lacked humor.

"So why not give him one? Right now, at this instant, I will marry Mrs. Annabeth Jackson once more. I will marry her right in front of his eyes. I know he's watching. This little boy wants to play with Greek magic then let's play. Let's see if powers are stronger than mine. Watch how I get his ring off her finger. Watch how I destroy him."

The ocean started churning into a whirlpool. 

Hope you all liked the chapter. Likes and comments influence me to update faster.

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