The Pressure in my Heart

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It was not my ideal morning at all...

I woke up with a stiff neck and shoulder. Note to self: Never sleep on the floor or... in a dress ever again.

The embroidery left little patterns on my skin that were so sore I was starting to regret not changing into a night suit. I clutched the dress in a fist. If only he didn't challenge me, then I wouldn't be in this mess. When I tried standing up, I ended up back where I was, on the floor. Someone was grabbing my arm and my reflexes kicked in. Without any hesitation, I punched whoever in was in the stomach, but quickly recoiled after I saw the familiar face.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Percy. I didn't know it was you"

He glared at me, not in any pain at all. I, on the other hand, felt that my knuckle was broken. I hissed in agony as he clasped my fist in his and examined it. He shook his head then proceeded to massage my bruised hand. 

"Who did you think I was?" There was a slight edge to his voice.

"I thought it was just some stranger" I replied a little embarrassed. He pulled me closer.

"You honestly think I would let some stranger come to your room?"

I didn't reply, but I raised one eyebrow. My expression spoke for itself: You shouldn't be in here either.

I felt his hand tighten around my arm. "Get out" I tried to keep a strong voice, but I wasn't able to pull it off. Percy didn't seem affected by it at all. He stayed where he was, his eyes glued to mine. 

"And you call me stubborn?" I grumbled as I pushed him away. He gave me a small smirk. 

I ignored it and went to retrieve my clothes, ready to take a shower.  In the restroom, I took off my wedding ring. I hadn't really got a good look at it until now. There were pearls and diamonds arranged in a circular formation. It was absolutely beautiful. 

I cautiously placed it on the counter, careful not to make a sound. If Percy found out I took it off, who knows what he would do. Nor did I want to keep it on while taking a shower. Ever since I was little I never liked wearing jewelry when I was bathing. I always had to take it off. It was a habit of mine. It didn't matter if it was real gold or not.

I stepped in the tub and let the warm water soothe me from head to toe. The bathroom was huge and beautifully decorated. I guess there were some perks to being the captain's wife.

I eventually turned the water off and reached for my towel. As I picked it up, a note slipped out from the folds of it. I retrieved the little gray piece of paper, confused. I became even more confused after I read the note inside. 


"Who's we?" I thought. "And coming from where?" At that point, I became a little scared. I was tempted to throw on my clothes and run to Percy, but I refrained myself. I shouldn't tell him anything until I found out the answers to my questions. 

After I put my clothes on and dried my hair, I stepped out of the bathroom, ready to face the world yet again. My first task was to find the towel lady and figure out who placed that note.

I saw Percy sitting on the floor facing the window. The room had a good view of the ocean.  It was like he had some spiritual connection with water. Everything about him reminded me of the beach. His smell, his eyes, even his mood. His attitude reminded me of waves, sometimes they are calm, sometimes they're not. 

He turned towards me without any warning and smirked. My face became red as I looked away a little too late. He had caught me staring at him. He guided me toward him with his finger. For some reason I obeyed. When I sat down, he placed an arm around me, pulling me closer. Those tingling feelings came back in a heart beat. They made my life so much more complicated. I didn't need my life to be any more complex than it already is so I tried to squirm away, but as expected, he didn't let me. I tried harder when he gave me a kiss on my cheek. I stood up suddenly, confused about my feelings. His expressions turned sour. I ran out before he got a chance to grab me and hid in a medium-sized room. I took a deep breath. Why is it that every time he comes close, it's like an electrical current going through me?

Could I be in ... No. I couldn't. Especially not with someone like him. My train of thought was broken when I heard a voice behind me. "Hello, Mrs. Jackson, what brings you here." I became startled by the noise, but then I quickly recovered. The person who spoken to me was the towel lady. I was in the laundry room. I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized it was not the stranger from the note. 


I resisted the urge to take out the note out of my dress pocket and show her. Instead, I asked her if anyone other than her came in this room. More specifically, who brought my towel to my bedroom. 

She stared at me for a while, confusion written all over her face before saying that a servant named Arnold placed my towel in the washroom.

I never heard of anyone named Arnold on this ship, but then again I barely knew anyone here.

After I receiving all the information needed, I step out of the room only to meet a very angry Percy. 

He grabbed me yet again and pulled me to a corner. "Why do you keep pulling away from me every time I get close to you?" 

"Well, why do you keep getting close to me?"

He tightened his hold on me, "Your mine" he replied then said "Keep pulling away from me watch what I do to you"

His response fueled anger in me. "Do something" I replied bravely. 

I regretted it as soon as he pulled me out in the open and planted a kiss on me. He even dipped me. 

The crowd went wild. My face went hot.

I squeezed my eye shut, the tingling feelings coming back

I didn't like the kiss

I didn't like it

I loved it

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Poor Annabeth, she scared of realizing her feelings for Percy. I know, there wasn't much percabeth here, but I promise there will be more in the next chapter. By the way, check out my new book called Unknown Waters. It's also a Percy Jackson fanfiction. Also, I accidently published a chapter that was just me brainstorming and writing down a sketch of a new plot for another new book. I quickly unpublished it, but if any of you saw it before I did unpublish it, sorry for the confusion! 

Make sure to vote or comment if you like the chapter. It encourages me to update

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