Deadly Waves

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      I opened my eyes to the rays of the sun and groaned as I felt a headache coming.  The memories of last night came to mind. I still didn't know what to think of that incident. He held me in a way a husband should hold his wife. It felt oddly comfortable. I shook the thought from my mind and got up. I wasn't thinking straight. I was his enemy just as he was mine.

I went in the shower and let the warm water ease the tension. I stood there for what felt like hours enjoying the warmth, when all of a sudden the water turn off. I cursed and tried to restart it. Nothing came out, not even a drop. Annoyed, I got out of the tub a little to fast. My foot slipped on the ground water and I landed on the floor. A string of curses left my mouth as I examined the bruise forming on my elbow and head. I need some ointment. Wrapping a towel around my body, I left the bathroom in search of the medicine. As I was digging through the drawers I heard his voice.

"Nice outfit" 

My eyes widened. A small screech escaped my lips. 

"Turn around" I replied. "Rrright nnow." For some reason I always had to stutter at the wrong moments.

He did as I asked, but I saw a small smile on his lips.

I glared at the back of his head, hoping that looks could actually kill and quickly ran back to the bathroom. 

I let out a sigh. The nerves of that guy. Shouldn't he knock?


When I was all done prepping myself for the day, I proceeded outside the bathroom only to smack into brick wall. My head throbbed. I looked up to find him looking back down at me. 

So maybe calling him a brick wall was an exaggeration, but my head still really hurt. I glared at him. He laughed. He freak in laughed, as if I was a cute puppy. I got up and pushed past him, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. He examined the bruise on my head and elbow. I tried to push away, but he didn't let me. I felt awkward. 

He must have saw what I felt because he pulled me closer and smirked. I pushed him away while trying to hide my blush. He grabbed the ointment.

 "Sit down" he ordered. I didn't. He had no right boss me around.

"I said sit down." There was more anger in his voice this time, but I still stayed where I was. 

He glared at me, I glared back. I saw him walk towards me in a menacing way, but I refused to let him scare me. 

"I gave you an order"

"Yes master" I said sarcastically, but still stayed where I was.

"So your not going to sit down?" I shook my head no. I suddenly wished he wasn't a whole foot taller than me. It made it harder to intimidate him, if he can even be intimidated.

"Alright, then I'll make you" he replied as he picked me up. I thrashed and yelled for him to let me go. He ignored me. 

I was promptly placed on a chair while he put cream on my bruises. 

"I can do this myself you know"

"You can? Is this only thing you can do by yourself"

"No" I grumbled.

After he was done, he swiftly grabbed my hand and dragged me to the deck where he met Frank. Frank took one look at me and he frowned deeply. I backed away in guilt, but Percy pulled me in front of him."You deserve this" he whispered. It was true. I killed Hazel. A murderer like me deserved worse. 

"There coming," Frank said in a barely controlled voice. "Her parents. There coming to take her away. One of the citizens on land said that they were armed with many weapons.

Excitement coursed through my body. I was going to be safe, I was going to be rescued, but Percy managed to kill that dream in a single second.

"Then we'll go to war"

I stared at him with wide eyes. He couldn't be serious. "Those are my parents!" I yelled while grabbing the collar of his shirt. "If you go to war with them, then you go to war with me!" I looked into his green eyes. He looked shocked at first, but he quickly recovered. His face turned red with anger. In a second, he grabbed my hands and pinned them behind my back. My wrists were squeezed so hard that my bangle broke and it's sharp edges cut into my skin. Blood streamed down my fingers.

"Look at me" he whispered low and quiet. I didn't. Instead, I continued to look at the blood droplets on the floor. He grabbed my face and forced me to look at him.

"Do not forget that you are my wife" He whispered dangerously calm. "You go where ever I go. You side where ever I side. You fight whoever I fight. Do not test my patience Annabeth. I'm warning you."

"And don't you forget that I am their daughter. I will fight by their side, against you. My gun will be aimed at your he-

A sharped tilt of the boat caused me to stop. The waves were crashing furiously at the ships side. A storm was coming. Another huge wave hit the ship, but Percy refused to let me go. The sky was turning a dark purple. I struggled desperately to get out of his grasped. I cried and pleaded for him to let go as a huge tide came towards our way. He didn't. He just stared at me. His eyes filled with fury.

"If you don't let me go, than we both die!" I screamed over the noise of the storm.

Everyone on the ship were running wild with panic. The wave was coming closer. Tears poured out of my eyes. My wet hair stuck to the sides of my face. I didn't get it. Why wasn't he releasing me so we could both take cover? Didn't he want to live? "Please!" I yelled in one final attempt. 

My body froze as I saw the wave reach over the ship. In one final attempt to seek protection, I pushed myself so close to Percy, hoping he would push us towards safety in the next second. He didn't. I felt the wave crash on us, and everything turned black.

Hope you all enjoyed the long chapter and the cliffhanger! I just know how much you love those ;) Sorry for updating late, I was traveling. :)

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