Strange Occurrings

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I sat in our bedroom angry, Percy had kept his promise: I was not allowed to leave until I told him the truth. What frustrated me the most was that I didn't even know the truth. All I knew was that some guy named Arnold placed a towel in my room that contained the note. I wasn't even sure if the guy knew there was a written message in it. I rubbed a hand over my face in frustration and continued to glare back at Percy.

"I don't know who gave me the note,"

"Who is this Arnold you were talking about"

I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to believe me if I told him that I didn't even know who Arnold was.

"I am much more stubborn that you Annabeth. I could interrogate you all day. You will not leave these doors until you tell me the truth."

I frowned at him. I felt as if I was a prisoner on his ship, again.

"I don't know who Arnold is. I don't know who sent me that note. All I know that the guy placed a towel in my bathroom that contained the hidden note, but he was only doing his job. He probably didn't even know there was a note in it!"

Percy shook his head.

"There no one on this ship that has that name. I would know, I'm the captain."


"I'll come back when you're ready to tell the truth. Until then, your staying inside this room. At the end of the day, I better hear the honest facts from you or there will be consequences"

I turned my back on him, anger building inside of me. Here I was telling him truth, but all he saw was lies.

I felt him press a faint kiss on my left cheek before he left the room.

I should have stopped him from doing so, but I too exhausted to start another fight.

I looked around and found that I had nothing to do, but sleep or stare into space. My headache convinced me that taking a little nap would be beneficial. I climbed into bed and dozed off as soon I laid down.

A small nap turned into a deep sleep.

I woke up feeling lightheaded. The sky out the window had turned a deep violet with stars dancing in it. When I squinted I saw the Big Dipper and the Capricorn, but something seemed off. These stars shined much brighter than the others. It almost hurt to look at them. It was as if I was looking straight into the sun. I held out my hand and the light dance over my skin. My fingers danced in the glowing light. A giddy laugh escaped me. I felt completely at ease. My hand started to turn numb, but I didn't give it a second thought. An overwhelming feeling of ease washed over me like the ocean. The ocean, the place that reminded me of Percy.

The numbing feeling faded away and was replaced by searing hot pain. I gasped as the heat went deeper into my skin. My other hand grasped my arm and placed it against my chest, hoping to get rid of the pain. Agony and confusion overwhelmed my body. What was happening to me?

I opened my mouth to scream, but all that escaped me was a low whine.

A knock was heard at the door. I stared at it, my body unable to move.

"Annabeth are you alright?"

I didn't recognize the voice, but I still welcomed it. I needed someone to help me.

"Help" I whispered. I wasn't able to increase the volume of my voice more than that.

To my delight, the man barged in and rushed to my side.

He looked around the room to find what he was looking for. Once he found it, he grabbed my arm and began rubbing the medicine all over my hand, but it wasn't needed. As soon as his cold hand touched mine, the pain was gone.

"Are you okay Annabeth? The captain sent me down here to ask if you were ready for the celebration, but I heard a faint scream."

I ignored him. I didn't even know if I was okay. One second I was enjoying my time sky's light, the next, I was doubled over in pain.

And now, it felt as if it had all been a dream. I didn't feel any pain. There wasn't even a single scratch or burn on my hand. I stared at him in shock.

"I felt my hand burning" I could fully speak now. "Like the light from the stars heated my skin, but the pain went away as soon as you touched my hand. I couldn't walk or speak properly"

I waited for him to laugh or call me crazy, but he just looked at me and said.

"Do you know what sleep paralysis is?"

I gave him a look of confusion and shook my head.

"Well it's where you can't really move and you get hallucination in your sleep."

"But I was awake when the pain started."

He clicked his tongue. "That's what you think. You probably thought you were here without actually being here. Does that make sense?"

"No" I answered honestly.

He chuckled. "You have nothing to be scared of trust me"

I nodded, not sure of what to say. I really wanted Percy by my side right now, but I knew if he found out that I was talking to another man, he would kill me.

"Thank you" I replied. "for helping me. I'll research more about this condition, but for now I must get ready."

I knew I sounded as if I was kicking him out, but I needed him to leave for his own sake. Percy certaintly would not like this.

I escorted him out the door and pressed my back against it as soon as it was closed.

I wasn't fully convinced by his reason. Weird things have been happeing lately.

Sooo not much Percabeth in this one. Don't hurt me. But in the next chapter there will be plenty! And maybe the identity of the person who wrote the note will be revealed.

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