2.6 'Just You And Me'

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Loki played by Tom Hiddleston


The Chitauri carried powered swords that acted as both a traditional sword and some sort of high-tech power ray gun. The death of the creature seemed to anger them and they swarmed us. They preferred to rely on the power ray side but it would take a moment to reboot between shots and that was the time to strike.

Whenever my shield of fire or firebombs were overwhelmed I drew them into me, close combat being my specialty. Their guns were long, almost like a staff and I grabbed ahold of them, yanking them to me and using the surprise to get the gun out of their hands to turn it on them. And blow them away with their own weapon.

Natasha and Steve were further along the street, keeping them at bay. Nat pushed the alien off her, turning to look towards the portal still open in the sky. "You know, none of this is going to mean a damn thing with that portal still open."

Steve and I moved towards her, following her line of sight. "You got an idea?"

"I think so," She nodded to me.

"If you want to get up there, you're going to need a ride."

We glanced up at the flying Chitauri ships whizzing overhead. "I have a ride, could use a boost though."

She backed up, Steve crouching down, holding the shield firmly in front of him titling it diagonally. "Are you sure about this?" I voiced.

"Yeah," She shrugged, oh so convincingly. "It will be fun."

Fun? I stared at her and Steve chuckled, bracing himself as she sprinted towards him. Nat jumped, one foot hitting the shield and she sprung into the air, with the help of Steve who pushed her upwards with the shield. Nat soared through the air, grabbed ahold of a passing ship and disappeared.

Steve and I looked at each other. "Guess it's just you and me."

The rock of the building beside us exploded and we both ducked behind a car, using it as a temporary hiding place as more Chitauri moved in. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be," I grinned and the two of us returned to the heat of battle.

We moved through the streets, the army and police moving in to offer us back up. They didn't question us whenever we gave orders and knew that they were outgunned and they were merely there to protect the civilians and take out aliens without drawing too much attention to themselves. With one hand I kept a few Chitauri at bay with a wave of fire and disarmed another.

A loud crash caught my attention as Steve came flying out of a window and landed face down on top of a car. The top of it collapsed inwards and he didn't move for a moment. "Steve!?"

I rushed towards him, using my earth and metal manipulation to take out the obstructing aliens in my path. When I got there, Steve groaned, trying to sit up with a grunt. "Are you okay? Are you alright? Sit up, come on."

I wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he slid down the side of the car and tried to find his footing. Eyeing me with hazy eyes, he tried not to groan in pain as we moved further up the sidewalk, away from the approaching aliens. "Steve, are you alright? Can you walk?"

"I will be, give me a minute," He mumbled but didn't make a move to let go of me, even as he fumbled against the side of a building.

"Tony, can you hear me?" Fury's voice came over the comms. "There's a missile headed towards the city."

"How long?"

"Three minutes, max. It will wipe out midtown."

Steve and I glanced at each other. The building shook as the Chitauri rained fire down on us, closing in on our hiding place. Steve and I stepped further into the small alcove we'd cornered ourselves into, him wrapping one of his ridiculously large arms around me, making sure he was facing the opening.

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