4.6 'Parties Unknown'

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Ultron voiced by James Spader


Steve was gone when I woke up the next morning. Stretching, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and peeked out the window. Tony and Steve were by the wood pile. Cap was in a tight tee, already sweating in the warm southern sun and showcasing his exceptional body in the process.

"Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?" My brother's voice floated up to me. Thor had left yesterday afternoon, telling Steve he needed to figure out what his vision had shown him.

"Nope," Steve wielded the axe, splitting the log he had lined up into two. "Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things." He added the pieces to the growing pile. "Earth's mightiest heroes pulled apart like cotton candy."

"Seems like you walked away alright."

The axe in Tony's hand disintegrated and fell into a pile of dust at his feet. Both men turned to my window as I turned away from it, running a brush through my hair and throwing on something presentable. Jogging down the stairs, I walked into the living room, peering out the window to ensure they weren't going for each others throats.

"You know Ultron's trying to tear us apart, right?"

"I guess you would know," Steve was back to swinging, Tony standing there with his hands on his hips. "Whether you tell us or not is the question."

"Banner and I were doing research," My brother stalked closer to Steve.

"That would affect the team."

"That would end the team."

"Exactly!" Steve dropped the axe. "You didn't ask us. If you want to go home, take some time off or leave, you tell us. But you do not speak for us. Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts innocent people die. And your decision to build Ultron and end the team hurt Izzy." Pride swelled inside my chest at the fact Steve was sticking up for me but he didn't have to do that. "You need to apologise to her." He said firmly.

"I hurt Izzy?" My brother repeated in disbelief. "How on earth did I hurt my sis–?"

"You made her feel like she wasn't good enough!" Steve stepped up, jabbing a finger at Tony's chest. "This team may not mean the same thing to each of us but it does mean something. And she wants this, she chose this and you built a robot to replace her!"

The two of them stared at each other in silence for a moment, Tony blinking in shock as the words washed over him. I sighed, rubbing a hand down the side of my face. Tony was one of the most selfless people I knew but he didn't always realise the complete consequences of his actions.

Laura waddled up to the boys, glancing between them hesitantly. "Ugh, I'm sorry, Mr Stark, Clint said you wouldn't mind, but our tractor won't start. I thought maybe you might–"

"I'll give it a kick," Tony nodded, smiling at her before glancing one last time at Steve and heading over to the barn.

I met Laura at the front door, holding it open for her. When she stopped just inside and turned to face me, her expression told me she wanted to ask me something but she hesitated. "Did you need something?" I offered gently, happy to give her a hand.

"Well, there is something," She started awkwardly. "You see, our tractor won't start and I was hoping you would take a look at it for us?"

I gestured over my shoulder with my thumb. "You mean the tractor you just asked my brother to go check out?"

She pressed her lips together, glancing around. "Nick Fury is waiting for you and Mr Stark in the barn."

"Oh," I grinned at her slyness. "Right, sure thing."

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