4.10 'The Simple Life'

26 1 0

Ft. Natasha


The swarm of robots ran for us, filling the small space around the core, some climbing up the bricks of the church to attack from above. I helped Vision keep the ones falling from the roof from getting at the core and dropping onto our guys below. Whenever I could I would use my magic to wipe out an entire section of them like Wanda was doing. Her magic was able to take out a whole line of the things at once.

Barton looked cramped in the small space, unable to properly use his bow and arrow to take out his enemies. Thor used his hammer and lightning, Nat used electric rods and her impressive hand-to-hand combat skills. Pietro was moving so fast that every time he punched one of the robots in the chest, they would break apart from the force.

Above us, Vision and Ultron clashed. The metal man would swipe at his creation, the sound of metal hitting metal echoing off the both of them. Vision threw a punch that had Ultron flying backwards and he released the power of the Mind Stone. A stream of bright yellow light flowed out of the stone, hitting Ultron square in the chest and he dropped to the ground, throwing out his power as a counterattack. Thor and Tony jumped to Vision's aid, standing on either side of him and blasting Ultron with their own power.

Ultron fell to his knees underneath the force of the attack, his own stream of power slipping backwards, weakening. Lifting myself into the air, I hovered between Vision and my brother, raising my own hand. A stream of fire and electricity escaped my body, all aimed at Ultron. I could feel my energy draining as I unleashed my attack, every last ounce of my will out to destroy that monster.

The robot collapsed to the ground and the four of us stopped our attack. My body dropped back to the ground, exhausted and I collapsed onto the rubble, the others running out from the church towards us, Steve crouching down beside me. "You alright?"

"I'm alright," I nodded, glancing up as Ultron shakily stood to his feet across from us.

Half of his face and body were melted, glowing red hot. He creaked and groaned to stand back up. "You know, in hindsight–"

The Hulk roared, running towards him and with one punch Ultron was thrown halfway across the city. Hulk turned towards the rest of the robots that remained, all of them running away in fear. Hulk pursued and the robots took to the air.

"They're trying to leave the city," Thor noted.

"We can't let them, not even one. Rhodey!" My brother commanded.

"On it!" War Machine flew towards the bogies, sending out little homing missiles that each hit their mark.

"We gotta move," Steve said, addressing everyone around us. "Even I can tell the air is getting thin. I'll sweep for stragglers and be right behind you. Take Iz to one of the lifeboats, she's exhausted."

"No," I stood up straighter, turning to him and cutting him off when he tried to protest. "I'm fine."

"What about the core?" Clint asked.

"I'll protect it," Wanda spoke up, everyone turning to her in surprise.

She nodded at us in confirmation and we all disbursed.

Steve and I ran out, picking up the last of the people to be evacuated. Steve carried anyone who was unable to walk while I comforted those in distress, assuring them they were safe as we delivered them onto the carriers.

Thor landed beside us, gently placing two young children on the ground and they ran into their mothers awaiting arms. "Is this the last of them?"

"Yeah, everyone else is on the carrier," I confirmed.

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