4.9 'That's Reassuring'

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Vision played by Paul Bettany


Sokovia wasn't a big city but it was large enough to cause massive traffic jams and slow down the evacuation when everyone left in a panic. Wanda used her ability to influence minds to get everyone to just up and leave without an explanation. Barton prowled the rooves, being our lookout for any danger. The goal was to evacuate the entire city before Ultron launched his attack, but as Steve and I desperately tried to control the bridge, to keep everyone in cars and on foot moving, the traffic moved slower and slower.

It was Tony who located Ultron first, his AI Friday telling him where in the city he was. We could hear my brother inhaling quietly as he prepared himself to face the monster he'd created. I helped an elderly woman into the back of someone's car as they had a spare seat and they began the crawl across the bridge on the road out of town.

Tony's voice came over the comm as he spoke to Ultron but the conversation was only one-sided and didn't make much sense. There was a loud rumbling noise through the earpiece and then Friday spoke, "There's the rest of the vibranium. Function, still unclear."

Steve was still trafficking the fleeing cars and people when the ground beneath us began to rumble and crack. I swayed unsteadily, my head snapping in the direction of the city as people began to scream. Rising into the air, I was joined by hundreds of robots, who were shooting up into the sky, some crawling out of the ground like demons from hell. They chased the citizens still trying to evacuate, causing them to run in all directions and deployed bombs that destroyed buildings and created further chaos.

A dozen of them landed on the bridge, crushing cars with their weight and the people inside them. Steve and I stood back-to-back as we fought them off, using my ability to control metal to send them flying into the supports on the bridge, destroying their bodies, while Cap used his shield to deflect them. The robots had the ability to change their structure, one right in front of me rearranged his arm as a gun. Swiping my arm away from my body, the robot flew backwards.

Steve and I quickly cleared the bridge, keeping the robots from attacking those who managed to flee. Steve physically pulled the robots into pieces whilst I used my magic, sometimes pulling them apart, sometimes crushing them.

"Boss," Friday spoke to Tony. "Vision's power is working, he's burning Ultron out of the net, he won't escape through there."

"Well, that's something," I grunt as I squeezed my hand into a fist and a line of ten robots flying towards us crumbled into bits.

"Nice," Steve commented beside me and we began jogging towards the city and the sound of terrified civilians.

"I've never used this much of my power all at once," I panted as we ran into the fray. "With how many of these things there are I could use up all of my reserves in about ten minutes."

"Don't burn yourself out," Steve warned, swiping with his shield and cracking open the face of a robot. "That's the last thing we need."

There was a loud rumbling noise, bigger and scarier than when the robots had crawled out of the earth. The ground beneath our feet began to shake in earnest and we watched a crack begin to form across the street behind us. The buildings on either side split in two and the side we were on began to lift into the air. Buildings collapsed, cars and trees falling off the edge as the large piece of Sokovia's city and surrounding forest steadily rose.

"Do you see the beauty of it?" Ultron's voice was all around us, coming from his robot clones. "You rise, only to fall."

My mind whirled. "Oh my god, he's going to drop us back down to earth."

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