2.4 'Always Been And Always Will Be'

45 3 0

Thor played by Chris Hemsworth


As the words escaped my mouth, the floor flew out from under me. A loud roar filled my ears and everything began to shake before filling with silence. My vision blacked out for a moment, the floor falling out from below my feet. My body slammed into something metallic and hard. I coughed and blinked the dust out of my eyes, watching it clear around me enough to see Steve's blue uniform lying beside me.

He stirred, blinking and groaning as he sat up. We seemed to have fallen onto the aviation floor, where they housed more planes inside the airship. Light filtered in through the rubble and smoke, revealing the garage had been blown apart and not three feet from where we had landed was open air. Wind blew around my face, sending my hair flying in all directions.

Steve reached for me, his hand resting on my cheek. I glanced over at him, seeing his lips moving. A nasty cut was dribbling blood from his left temple, just above his eye. "Isabelle," My ears finally cleared and his muffled voice could be heard. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I nodded, clearing my throat and moving my limbs to make sure they were all attached and functioning, wrangling them in enough to stand. "Where's Tony?"

My response made him smile before he glanced around, keeping a firm grip on the railing of the walkway we'd landed on, at least whatever was left of it. Half of it hung down in the open air, ready to fall away.

"Izzy!" We turned to see Tony stumbling towards us, half the suit already on his body, the rest rushing to mould to his moving form. He was on the level above, eyes wide and frantic.

"I'm fine!" I shouted, turning to face where the aircraft had been hit. "Can you see what's going on?"

Tony gestured to his ear, where his earpiece connected him to the rest of the ship's communications. "Hill is saying engine three is down, external detonation attack."

"Yeah, no shit," I muttered, Steve throwing me a sharp look.

"I'm going to fly out into the engine to spin the turbine," Tony called down to us. "Izzy, Cap, I need you two to get to the control panel and tell me which systems are in overdrive."

Steve frowned at me. "He needs us to reboot it." I translated.

"Alright!" He called up to my brother.

Tony launched himself into the air, leaving the two of us to carefully run along the edge of the collapsed ship, making our way to the lever. Steve's sure footsteps are only two paces behind mine as we climb over the increasingly more dangerous and unstable metal framing of the ship.

We reach the edge and I felt myself lift off the ground, manipulating the particles in the air as I floated onto the floor above, where the control panel was thankfully untouched by the explosion by a few metres. Steve joins me a moment later, swinging himself up onto the platform as I'm pulling the panel out of the wall.

He frowns. "Well, from my limited knowledge, it's running on some sort of electricity and is still running."

The flashed red lights and yellow signals in the panel were indeed moving and glowing through the system. I grinned at him. "Not bad."

"Relays are intact!" Steve pressed his finger to his ear, communicating with my brother.

He paused for a moment before rapidly glancing around, muttering something. "Red lever, red lever..."

I frown, glancing to my left to find a bright red lever horizontal to the wall. I point to it and after doing a full rotation Steve turns to see where I'm pointing and rolls his eyes before nodding. "Tony is going to go inside the rotors and get them to spin. He's going to tell me when to pull it, so on my say, do it, alright?"

Something To Marvel At :||: Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now