3.3 'I Know You Do'

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Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter


Steve and I had both changed out of our uniforms on the return trip, leaving us in street clothes. The loose sleeves of my cotton shirt flapped in the wind as I clung to Steve's solid body. The speed at which we flew down the road was exhilarating. 

I whooped and laughed in his ear and saw the hint of a smile on his lips from where I peeked over his shoulder. There was nothing but hard-earned muscle underneath my fingertips and I tried not to think too much about it. Leaving the bridge connecting the island to the mainland, Steve easily merged with traffic and sped up, weaving through cars.

"Where are we going?" I shouted over the wind and the honking of car horns and everyday city noise. 

"I want to show you something!" He yelled back. 

Pressing the side of my face into his back, I let him travel us through the streets of Washington. I was surprised when he pulled us into the parking lot of the Smithsonian Museum. The rumble of the bike beneath me died down as he turned the key and I hopped off the bike. 

"Are we here to see the Captain America exhibit?"

Cap didn't falter as he got off his bike, tucking the keys into the pocket of his brown leather jacket. "Yeah, I guess, I," He swallowed. "Wanted to tell you my story."

"Steve," I gripped his hand in mine, squeezing it a little. "I already know your story. I grew up with my father telling us tales about you, and I did my research when I became your agent. I've worked with you, I know who you are."

One corner of his mouth tilted up. "I want you to hear my story from me. Will you let me do that?"

Unable to find words with the distracting way he was looking at me, I nodded. Pulling out a cap and a giant pair of sunglasses from his riding satchel, he plonked the cap on his head and handed me the glasses. "I'm pretty sure people are going to recognise you," I admitted, opening up the sunnies and putting them on. "Whoa, these are huge. Is your goal to cover my entire face?"

"No," He said instantly in a defensive tone before taking a moment to think about it. "Well, yes, because you're so beautiful that people stare and someone is bound to recognise you."

I was too stunned by his smooth words to think, they didn't have an ounce of false charm or double-meaning in them, and let him lead me inside. Without letting go of my hand we easily made it through security and through the foyer, heading toward the very obvious signs plastered with Steve's face.

Standing tucked against each other on the escalator, leading to the floor of the exhibit, I glanced up at him. His rectangular face with stunning angles made it look like he'd been carved from marble by an artist in the 15th century. His nose and brows were currently scrunched up in concentration and my fingers itched to smooth over the worried lines. 

His light blue eyes snapped to mine and I smiled. His gaze dipped down to my lips and with the already close proximity, I didn't know if I was unconsciously leaning into him or not. Speaking lowly, "I hope this isn't a date?"

"Why? Think it might make me look a little too self-centred?" Cap smirked and I loved this playful side of him. "No, I think our first date was somewhere down in Mexico."

Looking away with a pleased grin, his hand squeezed mine pressed between our bodies. "At least you nailed it with that one, I like to dance."

"I know you do," He simply said as we stepped off the top of the escalator. 

Mixing in with the rest of the crowd, we entered the exhibit. 'Welcome Back, Cap.' was written in a large font on the first pillar as we entered. Followed by 'Too scrawny and frail to enlist in the US Military during World War II, Steve Rogers volunteered to receive the experimental Super-Soldier Serum. Enhanced to the pinnacle of human physical potential, he became...' I didn't need to read the rest to know what it said. 

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