1.4 'We Have Business To Attend To'

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Happy Hogan played by Jon Favreau


Tony swerved through traffic along the streets of L.A., wildly dodging traffic in his favourite Audi R8 that had been painted white at my request. His crazy driving was enough to make anyone feel queasy but I'd grown used to it. He pulled the beautiful car up to the curb and stepped out, straightening his smart black suit before walking round to my side and opening the door for me and holding out his hand.

The silky tendrils of my lilac dress swirled around me as I gracefully stepped out of the supercar, Tony grinning at my overdramatic entrance and tossed the keys to the valet. As we walked up the red-carpet shrill screams of women around filled the air, making me grimace. The cameras started flashing rapidly, not startling me in the least and I put on my 'camera-ready' smile. One blonde bimbo sidled up to us, swinging her hips. "Hey Tony, remember me?"

We breezed straight by her. "Sure don't."

I smirked, not having the heart to scold my brother for his playboy actions seeing as I'm basically the same. Neither of us paused to take photos, instead walking into the foyer of the Hall, easily spotting Stane across the room, speaking with a reporter. He looked up at our approach, a confused smile spreading across his face.

"What's the world coming to when the Starks have to crash their own party?" My brother commented casually but a nervous expression crossed the older man's face, an uneasy feeling settling over me.

He played it off with a laugh. "Hey, look at the two of you, what a surprise. Miss Isabelle, looking as radiant as ever," He complimented, picking up my hand to place a kiss on the back of it, his scruffy moustache irritating the smooth skin.

I sent him a tight smile. "Thank you, Obe, you look great." Tony glanced between the two of us, a disgusted face beginning to form on his face. "See you later?"

Obe blinked, transfixed by the seductive smile I was shooting at him. Tony took that as his cue to lead me away. He dipped down to whisper in my air as we walked through the door into the function room. "What, plan on seducing him 'later' tonight?"

I scoffed, leading him onto the dance floor, where he expertly took my hand and spun me around. "Eww gross, no way. I'm not into older men."

Elegantly twirling back into his arms, we both swayed in time to the gentle music, other couples joining us. "Then why the tantalising back there?"

"Parce que je ne lui fais pas confiance, Tony," (Because I don't trust him, Tony) I spoke lowly so only he would hear. "Il me donne un sentiment tellement étrange, je voulais nous sortir de là aussi vite que possible." (He just gives me such an odd feeling, I wanted to get us out of there as quickly as I could)


"You telling me you don't get that vibe?" I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, okay," He sighed, dropping his hands. "I need a drink."

"You and me both," I muttered walking up to the bar, a barman instantly coming to serve us.

"A Scotch, please and a Watermelon Cosmo," Tony ordered, leaning against the bar with another defeated sigh. "You know, when I finally act responsibly you'd expect people to be a bit more..."

"Happy? Excited? Celebratory?"

"Precisely," He muttered, throwing back his drink as soon as it was placed in front of him.

"Another," The barmen nodded at my request and hurried off. "Tony, you need to calm down, everything will be fine. You've got a new and awesome idea to pursue, me backing you...as well as Pepper."

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