1.1 'You're An Idiot'

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Anthony 'Tony' Stark played by Robert Downey Junior


"Good morning, Miss Stark. It is 7 am, 42º C with scattered clouds, the surf conditions are fair, with–"


"Errr, yes, Miss Stark?"

"I told you to wake me up at nine!"

"Oh yes, but Mr Stark changed your wake up time to seven."

"Arghhhhhhh, Tony!" Storming out into the kitchen a blonde bimbo wrapped in a silk sheet stood near the door that led to the garage, also where Tony and I shared a workshop. "Who are you?"

She scoffed, swinging her highlighted hair over one shoulder. "I'm Christine Everhart, Vanity Fair magazine."

Now it was my turn to scoff. "Get your fat reporter ass out of my brother's house."

Her eyes widened at the insult. "In fact," I grinned as a patient looking Pepper appeared. "There's a car waiting for you outside that'll take you where ever you want to go, here are your clothes freshly pressed and dry cleaned."

The reporter's eyes shined, stalking towards my beautiful friend. "You must be the famous Pepper Potts. After all these years, Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaning."

"I do everything and anything Mr Stark requires."

"Including, on occasion taking out the trash," I smirked, strolling across the black marble floor to the door she'd just tried to breakthrough.

With a final leer over my shoulder, I descended the stairs, Tony's crappy music blaring through the speakers and the man himself half bent over an engine. "Interrupting my beauty sleep? You know how late we flew in last night, besides it's only going to come back to bite you in the ass."

"Yeah, probably should have thought about how bad your mood swings are." He mumbled into my temple while kissing it.

"Eres un idiota." (You're an idiot.)

"Oh come on, take it easy, you know I haven't learnt Spanish."

"Du bist ein Idiot."

"Or bloody German, though I've got the idiot part."

"Tu es un idiot."

"Too early for the complexities of French."

"Sorry to interrupt," Pepper spoke up politely. "Mr Stark–"

"Tony." We both corrected.

"You are supposed to be halfway around the world right now, you're flight was scheduled to leave an hour ago."

"Oh so that's why you woke me up, so I could say goodbye, aw."

He chucked a dirty rag at me and to his satisfaction, it hit me square in the face. "Funny, it being my plane and all I expected it to wait 'til I got there. Kinda defeats the whole point, doesn't it?"

"I need you to sign this before you go."

"Why are you trying to get rid of me?" He rose to stand right in front of her. "What, do you have plans?"

"I do have plans."

"I don't like it when you have plans."

"I'm allowed to have plans on my birthday."

"It's your birthday? Already?"

I couldn't help but smile at their innocent banter that I could see turning into much, much more one day. "Yeah, isn't that funny it's the same day as last year. I got her a present, what did you get Tony?"

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