3.1 'Do Anything Fun On Saturday Night?'

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Georges St Pierre as Georges Batroc


Cap and I joined Natasha and a SHIELD operative team, STRIKE, in one of the jets, which was currently flying over the Indian Ocean. The bird was perfect for stealth missions under the cover of darkness and the fog rising off the ocean helped create more cover. 

The leader, Rumlow, explained the mission to us as we drew closer to the ship we were tracking. "Target is a mobile satellite launch platform, the Lemurian Star." I started at the name of the ship, glancing at Natasha who looked away from my gaze. "They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them ninety-three minutes ago."

"Any demands?" Steve asked, standing tall between Natasha and myself.

"Billion and a half."

"Why so many?"

"Because it's SHIELD's," I answer for Rumlow. 

Steve twisted to look down at me, then to Nat. "So it's not off-course, it's trespassing."

"I'm sure they have a good reason," Nat still refused to look at either of us. 

"You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor."

"Relax," Nat finally looked up at him warningly. "It's not that complicated. Besides, I thought you two would be happy finally being able to work together."

Steve and I both crossed our arms over our chests, glaring at her and most importantly not making eye contact with each other. Clearing his throat, Steve returned his attention to the crew. "How many pirates?"

"Twenty-five, top mercs led by this guy," The photo that popped up was of a muscular man with a faint moustache and buzz cut. Classic military style. "Georges Batroc. Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilised him, he had thirty-six kill missions."

"Is that all?" I parroted sarcastically.

"Yeah," Rumlow chuckled. "He's got a rep for maximum casualties."

"Hostages?" Steve moved on.

"Mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell. They're in the gallery."

"What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship?" My question drew Steve's attention before we were both looking at Natasha again. This time her blank expression gave way to furrowed brows. Ah, so she didn't know either. SHIELD wasn't telling either of us its secrets then.

"Alright," Steve's captain voice slipped into his words. "Iz and I will sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, you kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep after, find the hostages, get them to life-pods, get them out. Let's move."

The three of us suite dup with the STRIKE crew team prepared to launch. I hooked my earpiece just on the inside of my ear, also checking if the comm in the wrist of my multi-coloured suit was connected. "Secure channel seven," Steve's voice said into my ear.


"Seven, secure." I finished, turning to Nat and Steve.

Nat was facing him but smirking at me with a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, do anything fun Saturday night?"

Steve frowned. "No, I was at the gym mostly all weekend."

"Oh, so you didn't ask Kristen from Statistics out?" Steve levelled a glare at her and I lowered my gaze to fiddle with some part of my suit to avoid catching either of their gaze. "I'm sure if you asked she'd say yes."

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