1.3 'Yeah, I Can Fly'

65 4 1

Obadiah Stane played by Jeff Bridges


It happened so fast, I'm not sure what actually happened. One second Tony is standing, the next he's hurtling into the concrete bunker of a ceiling and slumping to the ground. I doubled over laughing, Tony's groaning as he stood up only made it worse.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

He nodded, swishing his hand away like it was nothing. "Yeah, I'm great."

"Okay, too much power." I received the 'Oh-really?' look. "Here, I've made an arm brace, try it out." I hooked him in when the door opened and in walked Pepper carrying a box and a cup of coffee.

"Oh hello." Tony greets, strapped to the table.

"Is that for me?!" I ask excitedly.

She grins and hands me the cup and sets the parcel on the table in front of Tony. "I tried to buzz, haven't you heard the intercom? Obadiah is upstairs."

Tony and I made eye contact and I unhooked him, both of us going upstairs to find him playing the piano. "How did it go?" I elbowed my brother in the side, gesturing towards the pizza box on the table. "Oh, that bad huh?"

"Would have gone better if you were there."

We shook our heads, munching into a slice each. "You told us to lay low, that's what we've been doing, Izzy didn't go to her photoshoot the other day, okay?"

"Yeah, Trudy wasn't happy about cancelling either."

"Tell your manager I have your best interests at heart–"

"Only when it comes to this company, though." I pointed out.

He sighed. "This was a Board of Directors meeting, who is claiming that Tony is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress and they want to lock you both out because they know that they can't have one without the other."

"We own the controlling interests of the company!" He protested.

"The Board has rights too," Stane explained patiently. "They're making a case that you and your decision isn't in the company's best interests."

"I'm being responsible, that's a new direction for me, I mean the company. I mean on the company's behalf and my sisters. Oh ok."

He rose, taking the pizza box with him. "Look, I'm trying to turn this around but you've got to give me something." Obe got up, stopping Tony from going to the garage.

I narrowed my eyes behind Stane's back, Tony not missing the look. "Night Obe."

"Do you mind if I come down there, see what you're doing?"

I walked up behind him, patting him on the back. "Goodnight." And followed my brother, locking him out.


"Day 11, Test 37. Starting off with 1% thrust capacity."

"Try not to hit the roof, brother." I snickered, tapping the fire hydrant.

"Three...Two...One." The thrusters came on and Tony hovered a metre above the ground, each thruster holding its own, though there were a few sparks here and there. He landed safely back on the ground and I let out a breath of relief, whooping in successful delight. "Okay nice, let's bring it up to two-point-five."

He was higher now and was fighting to control his balance. "Go into a sitting position," I commanded, he bent his knees crouching a little which helped.

He began to move around the room, accidentally flying low over the sports cars and motorcycles. "Put your hands up! Put your hands up!"

He did so, stopping his flight pattern to retreat over a desk and sending all his papers up. "We could be worse, we could be worse." He repeated his little mantra, finally hovering over the clear area and landing safely.

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