3.5 'Garage Sounds Good'

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Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce


Following the instinct telling me to trust Steve, I ran after him as he flung himself out the window, using his shield to protect himself. He easily crossed the street and broke the window of the office building, rolling and jumping to his feet. Manipulating the air around me, I floated out the window, and behind Steve as he ran.

There was an open courtyard in the centre of the office building, allowing us to look through the floor-to-ceiling windows and see the assailant running along the top of the roof.

With Steve's extra strength and the use of his shield, he easily pummeled through doors and everything in our way. I followed along behind him, dodging debris and papers he sent flying. seriously, this dude could run.

Ahead, through the window at the end of the hall, we saw the assassin jump off the roof. Steve jumped, flying through the air and rolling onto the next roof. I don't think the assailant was expecting the two of us to be after him. He turned to us in surprise before taking off. He had speed like Steve too.

Steve stopped, squared himself and flung his shield across the rooftop in an effortless swing. The guy stopped, turned and caught the shield, using some sort of metal arm he had. Then he flung it back at Steve. Cap caught it but his feet slid back a few inches. So he's strong too.

Looking back to the end of the building, the guy had disappeared. When Steve and I reached the ledge, there was nothing but the normal hustle and bustle of the traffic and a quiet street.

"Damnit," Steve cursed.

"Come on, we need to get to the hospital," I gripped his shoulder, forcing him to come with me.


Natasha met us there. She burst into the gallery which viewed the operating room and the surgeons busily trying to fix the Director. "Is he going to make it?!" She demanded, eyes flying around in the room next to us, taking in all the beeping machines and utensils.

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

"Tell me about the shooter."

"He's fast, strong," Steve was braced against the windowsill of the gallery. "Like me."

"Had a metal arm," I added.

A fourth person entered the room, walking up beside Nat. Agent Hill stared into the operating room, but both women looked like they were going through hell. I wasn't entirely sure about the histories these two had with Fury, but I do know he'd given them both a chance and a home.

Nat glanced at her but her eyes quickly returned to the surgery in front of us. "Ballistics?"

"Three slugs, no rifling and completely untraceable."

"Soviet-made?" Nat glanced at Hill.

The agent frowned and nodded. "How did you know?"

The monitor started flatlining and the operating team started moving into action, rushing around to do things. "What's happening?" Nat demanded. "What's happening?!"

"He's flatlining," I explained, my voice falling into a firm and calm tone. "He must be haemorrhaging."

Steve turned his head to look at me, watching my steely expression as the people inside the next room rushed to save Nick. "Is he going to make it?"

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I didn't answer him plainly, again. "He's in V-Tach."

"What does that mean?" Nat demanded.

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