4.4 'Not Good Enough'

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Ulysses Klaue played by Andy Serkis


Klaue operated out of a salvage yard off the coast of South Africa. Dozens of cargo ships had been run onto the shore with shipping containers still onboard. The beach was littered with them.

Ultron and the twins were already there when we arrived. The AI had built himself a metal body, standing twice the height of the twins on either side of him. "Stark," His robotic voice growled as Thor, Steve, Tony and I landed on the walkway. It connected the two sides above the belly of the ship.

"Ah, yes, Mr and Miss Stark," Drawled Pietro. The blonde-haired man wore a thermal-regulating suit and high-performance joggers on his feet. "It's comfortable for you here? Like old times?" He glanced to the cargo hold below us, gleaming with missiles and other weaponry.

"This was never our life," Tony said firmly.

It appeared the twins had an encounter with one of our weapons, most likely when their home was destroyed and their parents were killed. Steve stepped forward, in his red and white striped suit and star on his chest. "You two can still walk away from this."

"Oh, we will," Wanda nodded, her accent thick.

"I know you've suffered–"

"Ah, Captain America," Ultron scoffed, his voice booming around the metal container. "God's righteous man, pretending you could live without war."

Steve blinked and I didn't like the blanched expression on his face. I sneered at Ultron but Thor spoke first. "If you believe in peace than let us keep it."

"I think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet'."

"What's the vibranium for?" I spat.

"Oh, yeah," Ultron sounded sarcastic. "Let me just tell you my evil plan."

Using whatever power he had built into his body, he used a force to draw Tony towards him before blasting him backwards. My brother went sailing into a heavy metal door but instantly got back up. The two metal men launched themselves at each other. The three of us took on the metal bodyguards which attacked next. When Thor threw one into the wall, Pietro shoved him to the ground, using his power to blur out of sight and disappear.

I spun around to face Wanda only to be met by a blast of her force, knocking me into the bot Steve was trying to defeat. Ulysses Klaue crawled out of a hiding spot behind some crates, his henchmen following him. "Shoot them!" He roared.

"Which ones?!"

"All of them!"

I ducked as gunfire was aimed at us, running into an alcove to join Natasha. She lashed out as two men ran at us, easily knocking them unconscious. Clint covered us from a higher advantage point, while Tony and Ultron continued to throw each other against the sides of the ship, denting metal and shattering glass which showered down on us.

Steve and Thor started working together to dismantle the robots which were the most pressing issue, Nat and I taking out the streams of men shooting at us. They wore camo army gear and used high-calibre automatic weapons. Swishing my hands left to right, I exerted my power to smack the men against the wall, leaving them in piles on the ground. A line of them formed in front of me and I clenched my fist, feeling their hearts starting to beat faster and faster before they passed out and I let the power controlling their blood disappear. That would only be a temporary solution.

Pietro was still a blur, moving about the hull of the ship and creating problems. Below us, Thor threw his hammer up the walkway, taking out a line of armed men. Pietro reappeared as he grabbed Mjolnir and went flying backwards into some weapons crates. Steve began moving toward him, tossing his shield to deflect the robots and people attacking him and jumping into the cargo hold after Pietro. The dazed boy tried to stand up but Steve got there first, shoving his shield into the boys chest just as he rose and knocking him backwards again, more disoriented than before.

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