3.8 'You Two Are Definitely Compromised'

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Sebastian Stan as James 'Bucky' Barnes


Swiping out with my hand, I managed to stop us in midair. Cap had dropped his shield due to the blast but clung me to him for dear life. He groaned as we stopped so suddenly and I lowered us safely to the ground.

The soldiers began to open fire on us, Nat and Sam being closer targets. Steve picked up his shield, not letting go of my hand as we rolled over the barricades and I lowered us onto the street below. "Find cover!" I cried as the agents above shot at us.

I saw Nat swing down from above and take a shot at the Winter Soldier. He ducked behind the barricade above and she took cover on the other side of a truck to us. Cap had me behind him, with his shield easily deflecting the bullets, but we were pinned down.

Behind me, I saw Nat running up the street. I noticed the look in her eyes, of pure terror and knew this guy must be bad to have spooked her. The Winter Soldier took off after her, leaving us with the HYDRA agents above. The men began dropping over the barricade using anchors so they didn't fall to their deaths and landed on the street in front of us. Steve yielded to hiding behind the truck.

"What now?" I yelled.

From above, we saw Sam start taking out the shooters one by one until finally, we were clear to come out of hiding. There were a few more shooters who were now more occupied with Sam than us. "Go, I got this!" He reassured.

Steve and I took off running up the street where Nat and the soldier had disappeared. Ahead, we could see a car being blown into the air as a grenade went off and Nat's noticeable red hair, was easy to spot as she engaged with the Winter Soldier.

Cap was a lot fast than me on foot and he accelerated. I watched as Nat jumped onto his back, surprising him and used a wire chord to try and strangle him. Using his metal arm, which must be bionic with the amount of extra strength he had, he easily yanked her off him and threw her into a nearby car. People were running in every direction, cars and debris strewn about the street.

Cap got there a second before Nat threw an electrocution device, disarming his metal arm. Interesting. Cap collided with him and they both went flying. It was a battle with Steve on the defence, trying to find a weak spot to strike, and the Winter Soldier being disarmed, but he didn't need guns with an actual metal arm. Lifting my feet off the ground, I flew forward through the air and collided with the solder as he took Steve's shield and brought out a knife.

The soldier struck at me but I swiped my hand and the knife went flying off to the side. Gripping his arm, I ran an electric current through it and his arm went dead, seeming to stun him. The Winter Soldier had become reliant on it, it seemed.

He snarled in my face and punched Cap's shield at me. My body went flying back at the force, my head ringing as I collided with a car. "Oomph," I groaned sliding to the ground. Glancing back up, I saw him fling the shield at me.

Raising my palm the shield stopped an inch from me and I grabbed the rim, tossing it to Cap who lunged once again. The two began hand-to-hand combat, their movements blurred by how fast they were striking and defending. Steve got a punch in, sending the soldier back into a nearby truck.

Taking that opportunity to pin him to the vehicle, Steve attacked trying to hit him unconscious. The other soldier was stronger and more skilled with that arm, throwing Steve over the bonnet of the ute and jumping on top of it, trying to squash him.

Running after them as they moved further along the street, still jabbing and punching, some hits meeting their mark but the two supersoldiers didn't break as a normal human body would. I couldn't use my powers for fear of affecting Steve's fight and I knew he could defend himself. One thing I could try though was stopping that arm.

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