3.10 'I'm Sure As Hell Going To Try'

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ft. Tony Stark


Everything shuddered as the ship collided with Triskelion, dragging through the top of the building and cutting it in half, then entering the second building. Steve and Bucky managed to stay on their feet, balancing against the moving ship and falling fiery debris. Bucky attacked Steve, who merely defended himself but did not attack.

"You know me!"

"No, I don't!" Bucky yelled, aiming his metal arm at Cap.

It made a loud bell-like sound as it came in contact with the shield. "Bucky," Steve puffed out, utterly exhausted from the fight. "You've known me your entire life."

Bucky hit him again, Cap stumbling backwards. "This idiot is really going to get himself killed trying to save his friend," I muttered, the edges of my vision going blurry.

"Hey, hey, Isabelle," Sam patted my cheek, a bit too firmly. "Stay awake. Don't close your eyes. You're going to be just fine."

"Just fine," I croaked, my throat dry. "Oh yeah, this is what just fine looks like."

Sam, though he looked worried for me, couldn't help a small grin pulling at one side of his mouth. "Good to know your sarcasm is still in tact."

"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes and I'm not going to fight you," Steve dropped his shield onto the glass floor, looking back solemnly at a conflicted Bucky. "You're my friend."

"Steve!" Sam's cry caught Steve's attention. "We got to get her out of here!"

"No, don't worry!" I waved my hand but my voice sounded slurred even to my ears and my hand flopped uselessly by my side.

Huh, so this is what dying feels like? I couldn't feel anything now, not even my leg or Sam's painful pushing to maintain pressure.

Bucky tackled Cap and they slid dangerously close to the edge. Steve was true to his word, not throwing a punch or putting his arms up to defend himself. Bucky punched Steve, again and again, my eyes filling up with tears at the horrible sight. Or at least I think they did. My vision may have been blurry before that.

When Steve didn't fight back, Bucky's arm slackened, staring down at Steve's swollen face in bewilderment. Cap muttered something quietly and Barnes gasped, staggering back.

The walkway Sam and I were sitting on gave way, falling sideways and taking out the glass floor Steve was standing on. He rolled, lungeing for me and Sam, whose arms were wrapped around my middle. Grabbing Steve's hands, I held onto him for dear life. He smiled at me through his swollen face and I mouthed the only words in his Greek translation that mattered.

The three of us hit the water together, the cool liquid encasing us in a blanket of darkness. From above the surface, a metal hand reached down, down, down...

Rolling onto my side, I coughed up a lungful of water, vomiting it out onto the shore. My vision danced, black dots blotting across it as I turned my head and felt a faint pain somewhere below my hips. Blinking, I looked up into the face of Bucky Barnes. He was frowning but there was a gentleness in his eyes as he pressed his hand to my leg.

"Apply pressure otherwise you'll bleed out," His voice was gentle and he grabbed my hand to press it where his had been on the wound.

Assessing me once more, he dipped his chin and stood, revealing the two other bodies laying beside me. I watched the Winter Soldier, gaze over his old friend and then turn and walk away.


Steve's POV
The incessant beeping drew me out of my deep sleep. A bright light was blaring right into my eyes, making me cringe. "Steve?"

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