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Hey >•<

Here's an updated image of star!! We wanted to redraw him since the other pic we drew looked a little wonky lol

Reminder for nicknames: (classic=comic blue=Jay dust=soot horror=terror killer=knife cross=you'll see lol. Reaper=death geno=carnage fresh=neon) this is mostly for us cause we suck at braining.

Props to all the people who have somehow made it all the way through this mess of a book and are still with us today. The ut fandom and especially the ut au fandom are small right now and all your support is helping to keep this book going. Love you all so much!!! <3


"My name will be... X.. no, mono? No.. grey... No..! Why is it so hard to think of a name!?"
Cross threw his arms over his head and groaned. Soot laughed at him having an existential crisis.

The group had stopped to get nice cream, as they were in no rush to get to the new hotel room.

"Ya know... I never thought the bad guy group would be this... Not bad."
Comic said, spooning strawberry ice cream out of a paper bowl.

"I was surprised as well! Did you know the first time they kidnapped me, they had no idea what they were doing! They locked me in a bathroom until error told them I was a friend..."
Jay giggled at the memory. They literally turned the bathroom into a luxury hotel because they thought he was uncomfortable.

"Hey! I'm sorry we've never had a hostage before!! Would you rather we lock you in the dungeon?"
Knife exclaimed, handing terror his mint chip ice cream. Terror inhaled it in two bites.

"How about ashes...? Because they're black and white.. no that's stupid."
Cross continued to brainstorm name ideas, also handing terror a half eaten chocolate chip ice cream cone. Terror ate the whole cone along with the napkin wrapped around it.

"Not everything related to you has to be black and white you know.."
Horror said

"Yeah but I need to keep up my brand!"
Cross whined, covering his face with his hands.

"Speaking of your brand, you probably need new clothes. We all do."
Jay pointed out the groups wrecked outfits.

"What if we just called you asterisk, cause it's a substitute for x"
Soot grinned at Cross, who glared at him.

"Absolutely not."

"I like that. Yeah let's all just call you asterisk!"
Knife smiled. Now Asterisk groaned and bonked his head on the table.
"I hate you."

"Can we go now? I'm bored and tired..."
Terror groaned.

"You just ate like, 5 ice cream cones. Of course your gonna be tired."
Comic pointed out.

"Eh. I feel the same. Let's go you can eat your ice cream on the way there to the hotel."
Jay stood up and stretched, bones popping back into place. Soot quickly stood up after him, pulling his hood further over his head, a purple tint on his face.

"I think we need new clothes first though.


"Okay so are we just going to ignore the fact Fates servants broke into this multiverse?"
Neon questioned from his spot on the couch. Against Erratums consent he had created a portal to a fast food restaurant and grabbed a bag of fries. He's now in time out on the couch. While eating the food he stole.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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