18 (rewritten)

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I'm sorry if this chapter is confusing, I tried my best here ( -_- ;)

Edit: I rewrote this chapter because it was rushed, confusing, didn't make sense, and I didn't like it.

Though ink couldn't feel emotions, he chugged down a bunch of different paints. Dream was sobbing, and the rest were still sad even though they've heard the story before.

"I'm so sorry!... I didn't know! Its all my fault that he's gone and we're all going to die!" Dream sobbed out, trying to wipe away his tears. "...why are you apologising to us? We aren't the ones you guys drove to suicide." Killer said. "I DONT KKNNOOWWW!!" Dream shouted. His face was covered in tears. Dream didn't get upset very often, but if he did, it gets pretty bad.

"Look around us kills, it seems as if nobody cares about your snobby remarks." Dust put his hand on killers shoulder and swiped his hand over to the group of even more depresed then usual, skeletons.

"Dream does." Horror said. Munching on a bar of chocolate he found. He pointed over to dream who was curled into a small ball next to ink rocking back and fourth, sobbing his eyes out

Nightmare sighed. "Just pull yourself together. We don't have time for this. The multiverse might collapse if he's not here to keep the balance." Nightmare said.

"Oh I know!" Ink stood up. "Sci created a machine that could take us to different a multiverse about a year ago-" "ink that was 15 years-" "like I said fifteen years ago. Maybe we could go through and get him back!" Ink said while doing the amazing papyrus pose.

"Well it obviously didn't work if it was just sitting in sci's lab for like... forever" Cross said. "We did send a few copies through, but we aren't sure about what happened to them." Blue finally said something. "And how do you know he's alive?" Killer asked. "When I went to the anti void, I saw that his strings were still there." Ink said. Dream gasped dramatically. "That means he's still alive!!! We can go and apologize!" Dream immediately stopped crying but his face was still extremely wet.

"Ok. We'll go to sci's lab. But could you first get classic and frisk? If they're here when or if the multiverse collapses, then we are all going to die."

Ink nodded. "We'll meet at sci's lab. Try not to scare him to much." Ink winked and did the finger guns while jumping into a portal.

Ink landed in the original undertales forest. "Ok no dust. Frisks on Pacifist. Good." Ink went over to classics station. "CLASSIC WAKE UP ITS AN EMERGENCY!" ink shouted in classics face. "Wha? What happened!?" Classic stood up knocking his chair back.

"well you're out of ketchup."

"That's it?"

"Oh and the whole multiverse is probably going to collapse and we all might die."


"Hey do you know where frisk is?"


"Eeeehhhhhh.... I'll explain later."

*Sigh* "ok fine. Let's go."

"first we need frisk."

"What about papyrus?"

"I guess you could bring him."

Classic grabbed inks arm and he teleported to frisk being forced to eat papyruses spaghetti. "HELLO BROTHER! HELLO OTHER BROTHER!" papyrus said. Frisk looked over. "...this is new..." Sans grabbed them and they teleported to sci's lab.

"Okay great you got them. Now let's go." Horror said. "...WHAT IS HAPPENING?" papyrus asked. "Ink said he would explain later" Sans said. "Sans what is happening!?" Frisk asked. "Ink said he would explain!- look, I don't know!?" Sans said

"Wait... Wheres blue?" dust looked around but couldn't see blue anywhere

I might ship blue and dust in this story. I'm incredibly bad at it, but I might do it.

Soon blue came in through a portal, in tears, dragging stretch behind him. "lookimsorrybutijusthadtotakehim!ijustcouldntleavehimbehindilovehimtommmuuccchhhh..." Blue was crying and looking adorably angry at the same time. "He kinda just came in and dragged me here. I didnt do anything." Stretch said.

"Well that doesnt matter right now. I've located about three safe multiverses. We will land in one of these, not sure which one, but one of these." Sci said. Sci went over to a machine and pressed a few buttons.

They all ran in one by one.

The portal collapsed.

No going back now.

Hi, I tried to keep the group fairly small, so that meant all the important ones.

List of the people that went through the portal


And! I decided to add a mystery person that ran in behind them :P

And thats pretty much it. Sorry if it's confusing. When I rename them, im going to try to keep their names as close to the original names as possible.

Hope you enjoyed!

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

Rewrite: Jun 22, 2020

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