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I'm not sure if this counts as a chapter, but I'm doing it anyway, so here you go.

Stars backstory!!

Star is a dog, so he can't really talk. No talking means he's not really going to tell anyone about his backstory anytime soon, so it's gonna be right here!

Trigger warning: gore, people breaking bones, sad stuff.

~glowy Bois POV uwu~

I use to live a normal life, above the surface.

I still had magic, but I never used it. My family from the past never actually put on the magic restraining cuffs, They were shape shifters after all. They always resorted to wearing fake cuffs to seem normal.

My main form was a dog, it was also my favorite. But right now I was a mouse. Running through the woods.

Me and my sister were out in public, when she had a temper tantrum and used her magic to change into a tiger.

She was running around, destroying the things in front of her.

A police officer saw and immediately shot her in the head.

A few more quickly ran in and tried to arrest me, since I was related to her.

I knew the penalties for having magic. The same thing happened to my mom. I watched as they killed her right outside my doorstep. My dad, was sent to a lab.

He never came back.

My younger sister was the last family I had.

I cried hard as I ran away from the sirens and the sounds of shouting people. I hid underneath the roots of a stump until they left.

I had stayed I that forest clearing for a while. I had ways to communicate with the forest animals, so that helped. I usually took the form of deer. They could just eat grass.

It was pretty relaxing, actually. Being lazy, eating grass, taking naps in the sun, not really having to watch out for predators, since I could just turn into a bear or something.

But all nice things come to an end.

Sketchy people came into the forest. They saw me and threw a beer bottle straight at my face. It hit me and the eye, letting a long trail of blood race after it.

I yelped and jumped back, quickly running away to change into something smaller.

I watched as the two drunk adults took out a match and lit a fire.

In a forest.

A dry forest.

In the middle of summer.

Right next to an evergreen.

Of course it quickly caught on fire. Spreading two the next branch over, catching onto trees and bushes, within seconds, everything was on fire.

I ran out as fast as I could, forming into a bird and quickly taking flight.

The two men that set the place on fire were screaming as they were swallowed by the flame. It really was a horrible thing to watch.

I flew away, with the blood still dripping down my face.

~le toime shkip~

It had been a while since the forest fire and the scar was actually healing rather well. I had walked around the city for a while when a lady came up to me.

She seemed pretty old, but she was so kind to me! She walked me back to her apartment.

On the way back, people greeted her. they called her nicknames like 'granny' or they even just called her 'G'.

It was nice living with her. She helped heal my wounds, and pick out small pieces of glass stuck in my fur.

Eventually I had to leave though. The apartment she was staying in didn't allow pets, and she didn't have enough money to feed to mouths.

I will definitely miss her.

Living on the was fine, I guess. Some people were nice, some people were jerks, and I just full on avoided drunk people.

My scar healed fully and I could see better, though it was still kind of blurry.

I eventually found a cozy spot in an ally way, but there was another homeless person there to. We just ignored each other, but it was good to have some company.

The other monster living in that all way eventually snapped though. He was so hungry, he came after me for food. He grabbed my leg and tried to snap it off. I could hear the snap.

I shaped myself into a monkey. Having limbs made it a lot easier to grab things.

So I grabbed his head and snapped his neck.

It was a quick death, I wasn't a horrible person, I just did it out of self defense.

I changed into a bird and flew clear to the other side of town.

I found myself a nice cozy ally way and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to see a busy street. I walked up to the front of the ally way and watched people walk by.

Of course a few people stopped to say 'awww...' or, 'oh no poor dog!'. I just eye rolled at them.

It was getting later and there was barely anyone walking around.

Eventually I heard footsteps stop right in front of me and I looked up. There was a skeleton with black bones looking down at me.

I was about to run away when I noticed aura coming off of him. It was magic.

If this guy had magic, and is not in jail, then that means that I can trust him. Hopefully.

"HeY tHerE bUd. WaNt mE tO tAke yOu yO thE vEt?" He asked me.

I perked up at that. It would be nice to have this pain in my leg go away.

He picked me up and walked me to the nearest vet.

They checked me over, and I of course barked at them a few times because of how uncomfortable they were making me.

Eventually I got to leave. I walked out the door and saw the nice person talking to the doctor.

I ran and quickly jumped on him, licking his face.

The doctor and the guy exchanged a few words, before the doctor asked him if he wanted to adopt me.

He thought about it for a few seconds and then said yes.

I was so excited I though I was going to explode.

This was going to be the start of something new.

Note: I know the story has been going a little fast, and I'm sorry about that. It has been hard, with quarantine and everything, and I'm starting to loose inspiration. This was my very first book and I'm trying my best here. So I'm sorry if nothing makes sense, I've just got no other idea of what to put here.

Oh, and before you guys ask, no, star cannot change into a human or monster. He can only change into an already exsisting animal.

Updated: July 26, 2020

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