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Ok then, let's check on my book....
*Book has 18k reads*

*Chokes on oxygen*


...You guys are weird.

The alternative group was stunned. Why did these people look like them and have the same names? They wanted to know.

"You got anywhere private we can talk?" Nightmare asked.
Other nightmare nodded and led them all to his and dreams house. The walk was long and awkward, but they got there eventually.
They went inside and sat in the living room, each group having their own sides.

"So who exactly are you?" Ink asked.

"We're you, but from another multiverse." Ink answered.

It was silent for a few moments, both sides expecting the other to say something.

Then other nightmare spoke up.

"How did you end up here?" He asked.

They were silent.

Then dream spoke up. "Our friend jumped into the void." There was a loud dramatic gasp. Dream frowned. "He's still alive.... Somehow." Ink said. "We created a machine to find error so he could help save the our multiverse... And to apologise." Dream looked down while ink avoided eye contact. Nightmare was just glaring at both of them.

Nightmare sighed. "We should worry about that later. For now we should try and figure things out. We need a house, identities, jobs, new names, new clothes-" "done." Nightmare was cut off by ink, on other inks phone.

"Wait how did you get that-"

"I didn't get us jobs but I bought us a house online that we can stay in when we find the others. I found a nice clothes store nearby we can go to later, and I just painted us cards."

"Wait how did you do tha-"

"Yes we definitely need new clothes... These ones are all torn up from the fight."

"When did you get in a fi-"

"Maybe we should go right now!"

"Go wher-"

"As for the names..."

"Oh my gosh stop interr-"

"Oooooh! I'll be quill!"


"What is it ink?"

"Oh my gosh nevermind."

They sat in silence before dream decided to speak up. "Well I guess I'll be hope. Nightmare could be bane." Nightmare, now bane, nodded in pleasure of his new name.

"Now quill, where's the house that you bought?" Dream asked.
"It's not to far away. only about a mile. It's close to Ebbot high school." Ink said while squinting his eye sockets to look down at the phone.
"Ooh thats great! We could go right now!" Dream said.

They all stood up and headed out the door.

~meanwhile with Jay, comic, and soot~

"Uuuuuugggggghhhhhh... We have been walking around for hours! We can't find any of our friends!" Blue groaned very loudly.

Just then a portal opened up right in front of them and killer cross and horror came flying out.

They all landed in a neat pile with each one stacked on the other.

Killer groaned and slowly got off of horror, who looked pretty beat up, and cross, who was unconscious.

Jay quickly ran over to horror to help him up, While soot picked up cross.
"What happened?" Jay asked.
"We woke up in an ally way on the bad part of this... Town. we were attacked by some gang, and since we were low on magic and tired, we couldn't really do anything. So I grabbed them and teleported us away." Killer said.
"Did they see you?"
"I don't think so. It was pretty dark."

Jay sighed in relief.
"Good thing we found you guys. We have no idea where we are and we were starting to panic."

"Do you even know where the others are?" Horror got up, thanks to soot's healing magic most of the injuries were gone.

Jay frowned and shook his head.
"So far we have me, comic, soot, and you guys. We still need comics paps, frisk, night, dream, ink, and sci."

Killer and horror looked confused. "Who are comic and soot?" Killer asked.

Jay's face lit up immediately. "Oh! We made new names since this is another multiverse. I'm Jay, classic is comic, and dust is soot!" Jay said, proud of the names.

"Oh. Well I'll be knife." Killer said.

"Maybe you should choose an actual name?" Jay said.



"You are not going to change my mind."

"Okay fine. What about you horror?"

Horror thought for a minute. "terror."

"Ooooh nice. And we should wait for cross to wake up before letting him choose out a name." Jay said.

They all started walking in no actual planned direction and talked happily while keeping an eye out for their friends.

~meanwhile in a creepy ally way somewhere~

They couldn't believe they actually made it into the portal without the rest seeing them... They were in a big rush though. Still, they were here.

"So... Shall we go find him?"

"Yes... Yes we shall."

"We are coming for you... Error."

Hello peoples! I have motivation to finish this story, but I'm going to keep writing anyway because I love all of you <3

Hope you enjoyed!

Updated: August 11, 2020

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