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I  L I K E  V O T E S .
E N J O Y .

"Oh no no no no no... This can't be happening!!! Ok dust, just deep breaths, calm down."

Dust, Erratum, and star, were inside the storage closet, when dust pulled out something that made Erratum reboot.

After the weird noises were over, dust clicked the reboot button. He wasn't totally sure what would happen if he didn't click reboot, but he knew it probably wouldn't be good.

Soon Erratum woke up and looked around.

"WhAt mAde mE cRaSh?" He asked. "Oh! It was this."

Dust pulled out inks paint brush.



"HE caNt bE hErE. No nO No... THe bAlaNce WoulD of cOlLapsEd. THey cAnT bE hEre. They Can't EveN suRviVe tHe vOid!" Erratum said out loud.


"UuUhh... CAn I Have tHaT?"

"Can you tell me what's going on first!?"

Erratum sighed. "WeLl I Guess tHere'S nO pOinT iN lYinG tO yOu. IT wAs bOunD tO hAlPeN evEntualLy." Erratum sighed.

"WelL lEts Go!" Erratum, dust and star, walked out of the closet, and the school, and came into a nearby ally way.

"NOw ClOse YouR eyEs anD pRomISe yOu woNt pEak."

"I promise..."

Dust shut his non existent eyes tightly and Erratum walked through a shortcut to his apartment.

"OK. YOur gOoD.

Dust slowly opened his eyes.

"WHA- HOW!?"

"I tOoK a SHortCuT."

"Ok....... So about this giant paintbrush... Why did it make you reboot?"

"WeLl cOme aNd siT doWn." Erratum patted the open seat next to him. Dust sat down.

"WeLl aS yOu cAn tElL, iM noT frOm arOund hEre."


"HaVe yOu evEr WonDereD whY I lOoK sO mUcH lIke errOr?"

"Definitely. Are you two secretly twin brothers??"

"WeLl... I kiNda AM hIm."


"I cOme fRoM a DifFerenT mUltiVerSe."

"Ooooooohhhhhh... That makes more sense... No wait. It doesn't."

"WeLl mY mUltiVersE wAs VERY diFfErenT tHan yOurS. For examPle; yOur aN adUlt tHerE. You arE iN a GroUp called: the baD gUys, aNd... YOur bAd. THe gRoUp consIsTs oF yOu, kiLler, hOrRoR, cRosS, nIGhtMare, anD mE. YoU weRe aLl mUrdeRerS."

Dust sat there stunned. This was weird. Really weird. But he wanted to know more.

"What about ink?"

"UgH. INk. He Was sliGhtlY annOyinG anD extrEmElY chIldisH. Ya SEe, tHerE wAs a bAlancE... I think you know the whole story, if you don't, please go read some more fgod books :P... ...blAh Blah bLah I JumPed iNto tHe voiD EnDed up hEre, iNky is pRobabLy hErE, anD thAt lEadS uS tO whErE wE aRe Now.


And then dust passed out. It was way to much for the smol bean to take in.

"He WaNtEd tO kNow..."

Erratum sighed and threw a newly quilted quilt over dust. He couldn't call dusts parents because dust left his phone at school.

Erratum sat down on the other side of the couch and spawned in his strings. He grabbed inks paintbrush with his strings and put it in the fireplace- ( I'm just joking ūwu) -and put it in the corner of the room. He grabbed his knitting needles and glasses and started knitting a doll of this dust.

~lE tEem sHkIP Ùwú~

Dust opened his eyes and got up and looked around. He was covered in an extremely warm soft quilt with errratum sitting next to him. The sun was shining through the windows, and the birds were making weird noises again.

"Oh hEy yoUr aWakE."

"How long have I been out...?" Dust said groggily. "YoU pasSed OuT aT 5 yEstErdAy and it is 8 riGht nOw. So 15 hoUrS."

Dust quickly sat up "oh no... What about school!? And my parents!?"

"I cAlleD tHe scHoOl anD toLd tHem yOu wouLdn't gO toDay. TheY caLlEd yOur paRentS, anD yOur pareNts leT you staY herE thE nIght." Erratum said.

Dust sighed and flopped back down onto the couch.

"I find out star has magic, and then next my sewing teacher is a universe destroyer from another multiverse!! What's next? An evil god even more powerful than you comes and destroys you and everything you love!?"


"Y'know what? Don't answer that."

They sat in a slightly awkward silence.

"So what now?"

"I was pLanNing oN loOkinG fOr iNk iF yOu wAnt To hElp."

"Yes!! Can my friends come!?"

"yea suRe whY nOt. WaNt sOme chOcoLatE?"

"Sure! Let's go!"

Huh. 730 words not counting this.
I think that's pretty good (-w- )>
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

Updated: jul 15, 2020

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