LooLoo Land: part 2

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As you walked towards the circus tent you put your hands over your eyes as it suddenly burst into even more flames. People that had been inside suddenly started running out of it along with the two owls you had seen prior.

"Octavia!!" The older owl demon said as he ran after her.

"Leave me alone!!!" the younger owl yelled.

As you watched on the girl seemed to be crying as she shoved past you trying to get away from her father the evil looking shadows still hovering around her seemingly worse now than they were before.

The minute her shoulder brushed past yours you froze.

"What the hell?" you said looking around in confusion as the entire location around you had changed to what looked like a different part of the theme park.

You noticed that it looked like you were in some fun house of some kind and it was on fire. 

You wandered for a bit trying to figure out where to go from there until you heard the sound of the girls voice from before you now knew as Octavia.

"Dad!!! Someone Help!!"

You ran to the voice and came into a room with some sort of ride however you noticed the ride seemed to be malfunctioning.

You looked towards the controls and saw some kind of flame demons of some sort jump away from the control panel before disappearing into a portal.

"Help me!!!" the girl screamed as she was still on the ride, her father out cold somehow on the ground below it as the fire spread around the room.

You watched in horror as the part of the ride she was in snapped from its hinges going through a wall careening outside of the burning fun house when it landed the you cringed as the ride tumbled for a few feet bouncing across the ground chunks of metal flying off of it before finally crashing into another ride outside hard the green flames that had spread onto it causing an explosion upon impact. You covered your eyes as the light from the explosion blinded you.


You opened your eyes again looking around in confusion as you found yourself back were you were prior to whatever you just saw. The older owl bumping into you as well as he ran after the younger one.

"My apologies sir." He said as he resumed chasing after her.

"N-no problem." you said as you watched on.

After a minute you rubbed your shoulder looking around again for a bit watching as the fire from the tent had started spreading farther to the tents and rides around it.

"Jesus that's really getting out of hand fast.... and what was that???? A vision??" You watched as an imp and a clown robot of some kind came out of the flames fighting each other it looked like the imp was holding two pistols. They seemed to be the cause of the fire starting but that wasn't what you were worried about right now.

"I need to go after them!!!" You thought as you went in the last direction the two owls had gone.

A little while later you had been searching for the father and daughter
panicking slightly as you had lost track of them and the fire was getting worse. You also felt as if you didn't have much time.

"Cmon two owls can't be that hard to find them there's nothing but imps and the one dragon demon out here."
You thought as you searched and searched.

Suddenly you covered your nose as a really bad stench hit you.

"Jesus I forgot that minigame was still here must be close by it again. Wait a minute." You stopped as you realized something.

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