Chapter 17- "The blue eyed man"

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*Announcer voice* Welcome to another episode of 'Dark Hearted"!! *Crowd cheers*

Yes, I am a total nerd but hey, at least it's fun.

Answer: London, Dublin, Neverland & PE and Chemistry (I was actually really good at maths, and I never had to take ICT or PDH therefore I have no clue what those classes are)

Dedication to: @Cxshtxn_, @TineLoveHarry, @karrystyles12, @Obsessedwith5boys, @XxLifeIsGoodxX, @BriannaThornton6, @taryneckert, @Daniiz2Cool4u, @SimplyObnoxious_x, @xStylzx, & @Nevermind_MP

Words: 4,342

[I'm sorry it's late. I've been in a bit of pain, and therefore unable to write this chapter. I appreciate all of your patience though. So thank you. Also, thank you all for the birthday wishes.]

*Violence warning, may cause eyes to sweat, please have sweat soaking wipes ready (tissues)*

The picture on the side or top will soon make sense, listen to the song near the end of the chapter.


We were finally getting somewhere. As I thought of what could meet us at our next destination, my mind flashed back to the fountain, and what it had showed me. I was terrified of what it meant, and what we were heading into. I was hoping it was more of a metaphor rather than literal, because it was terrifying. I decided that Harry would stay on the ship, no matter what. I wouldn't lose him to whatever awaited us, and he was a prisoner now anyways, no longer part of the crew, no longer part of our family. It hurt to think that, but unfortunately it was true. We were close, and we would be arriving in a few hours. We had sailed for the rest of the day yesterday and all through last night, closing the distance between us and the second clue.

I was nervous, not that I would tell anyone, but I was. I was slightly scared of what would happen, what we were walking into. But we had spent years looking for the map, decades trying to find a cure for this wretched curse. I wasn't giving up now due to fear, and I didn't think anyone else would either. We had spent way too much time and energy on this, too much to just give up now due to fear of what's to come. Life was like that, unpredictable, and unwavering in the anxious fear that travels through you every day at the uncertainties of the day. But it was wonderful, blissful, full of so much wonder and life and love that it makes up for it. Every day is unexpected, is a mystery, but that's the best way it could ever be. So instead of allowing the fear to swallow me whole, to churn and dance in my stomach and cause my palms to sweat, I take a deep breath, breathing in the salty air and listen to the sounds of the sea carrying us to our next destination.

My mind of course wanders to Harry, of course it does, why break the routine now? But I embrace it, allow it to wander and wonder, to wrap around the idea of him. He was safe, something I could be sure of while he was here, but that damned coat angered me. He had left this for that? For some better life, promises of being home with his family, but rather pushed onto a ship and sent after the notorious pirate of the seven seas. If that was his dream, then he was not the Harry I had once known- who I had thought I had known- and no amount of convincing would make me believe it. The lad down there was a scared little boy, a bright red coat showing his dominance and power, while the lad I had known was someone who would protect his sister even if it cost him his life, someone with a stunning smile, and balls for days because he would stand up to me. I couldn't see that lad in the boy downstairs, and that saddened me. Maybe he was just hiding, and he would come out soon just to show he still existed. Then again, that same lad had walked off this ship like we were nothing, had seethed about how we were greedy and bloodthirsty and cruel, had said we were heartless and gold searching. It was the same lad to leave, tearing my heart out without giving me a chance to explain why our journey was so important.

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