The Birthday Someone Told The Truth

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It was my birthday.

My girlfriend had a surprise party planned for me.

Don't tell her I knew, 'Kay?

I walked through camp, people calling out birthday wishes.

I nodded thanks, but my mind was elsewhere.

I was 20 today.

It was weird. There'd been peace here for about a year and a half.

I hoped it didn't change.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERCY!" The Stolls screamed, running past me and spraying me with Silly String.

I laughed, but my mind was still elsewhere.

I pretended not to notice the banner peeking out from under one of the tables. From what I could see, it says 'Happy Birthday Percy!'

Annabeth passed me, giving me a smile but nothing else.

I knew exactly why, but pretend I don't.

"Wise Girl, where you going?" I called after her.

"To the Big House."


"Because I need to talk to Chiron." Then she was gone.

I wandered camp some more. Grover found me and gave me a hug.

"Happy Birthday, Percy."

"Thanks, G-Man."

I let my mind wander as he walked off.

I, Percy Jackson, was 20 today. Happy Birthday to me.


"Wise Girl, can you please just tell me what we're doing? The harpies are gonna find us." I whined as Annabeth pulled me up the hill towards the dining pavilion.

"It's a surprise, Seaweed Brain." She laughed.

I groaned again.

"Okay, it's time to close your eyes." She told me. I did so grudgingly.

I felt my feet hit the pavement of the dining pavilion, then Annabeth's hand disappeared from mine.

"Wise Girl? Wise Girl, where'd you go?"

"You can open your eyes now." Her voice came from my left.

I opened my eyes.

"SURPRISE!" People came out from everywhere. Under tables, behind piles of presents, out from the shadows of pillars. *cough* Nico. *cough*

"Wow, guys, you did all of this for me?" My eyes scanned the crowd. Even the Roman demigods were here.

"Of course! Happy Birthday, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth kissed my cheek.

Everything was blue.

Little blue lights hung from the pillars, the cake was dyed blue, all the presents were wrapped in blue paper.

"SON MUY AZULES!" Leo shouted, having just walked up. "Sorry I'm late." He apologized to Annabeth, who just shrugged.

"This is really cool, guys, thanks for all of this. You guys are great friends and-" I had started to go into speech mode, but a flash of sea green and the smell of the ocean stopped me.

Poseidon stood in the middle of the blue-bedecked pavilion.

"Hey Dad! What's up?" I called.

Poseidon winced.

"I have something to say." He said finally. We quieted down.

"20 years ago," Poseidon started, "A boy was born."

A few people glanced at me.

"I did not see it happen. No one did, but a single doctor. And the child's mother." Poseidon continued.

"Was it Percy?" Some kid shouted.


"Dad, are you okay?" I asked. He was acting a bit strange.

"I am sorry Perseus. So very sorry for what I must tell you today."

My heart began to thud in my chest.


"Percy," Poseidon's voice sounded pained. He turned to he assembled demigods, swallowing nervously.

"Perseus Achilles Jackson is not my son."

[A/N DUN DUN DUUUUUUN. I haven't actually decided who Percy's real dad is yet....but I've got some ideas. This should be a fun one]

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