In The Camp

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Third Person POV

"Think if I ask nicely they'll get me a drink of water?" Loki hissed.

Percy snorted and shook his head. 

"Shut up, boy." A passing Hunter hissed at Loki.

"I am a man, thank you very much." The black haired god muttered as she walked off.

Percy elbowed him discreetly. "Shut up!" He breathed, his lips barely moving.

But no matter how little his lips moved, Artemis saw it. She had been told by her Hunters that they had met the boys before, with Thalia while investigating a group of rogue monsters that had been running wild in Manhattan. Her lieutenant was currently at Camp, working on something for her.

Grabbing Lana by the arm as the girl walked past, she spoke quickly and quietly. "Didn't you say that the younger boy was mute."

"Yes, Milady." Lana shot a disgusted look at the two boys, who had been tied to a large stake in the center of the camp. They sat side by side, or at least as well as they could when they were tied to the same place. When the older one thought he wasn't being watched he would speak quietly to the younger one. He would usually receive a glare or some other expression, but every few responses, he would open his mouth just the smallest space and reply.

The 'mute boy' would reply, with words. (seem familiar to any readers?)

"Enough of this." She finally snarled after seeing his lips open slightly again as he delivered a verbal response to his brother.

The Hunters perked up as their goddess marched across the clearing, drawing her knife. Reaching the two boys who looked up at her in surprise, she dropped to one knee and pressed the knife against the younger's throat.

"Hey!" The older one protested. He was cut off by an arrow that appeared inches from his face. The Hunter holding the bow sneered at him.

"You're lying to me." Artemis snarled. "Out with it, boy."

Terrified green eyes stared back at her, but to his credit, he didn't speak.

"I know you can talk, male, so start doing it or your brother starts taking arrows." At this, the girl guarding the older boy aimed her bow at his foot. 

The younger boy scowled, then opened his mouth. "What do you wish to hear, my lady?

Artemis arched an eyebrow at the sarcastic tone and angrily flicked her knife upward, scoring a gash across the boy's high cheekbone.

He grunted in pain. "Not totally necessary, but if it makes you feel better, whatever."

"You lied to me and my hunters. Why?" Artemis sneered.

"I'm sorry, am I required to spill all my secrets to a group of sexist people who would love the opportunity to gut me?" 

"It doesn't help much when you sass and or act unhelpful." The other boy responded with a roll of his eyes.

The arrow aimed at his foot raised to press lightly against his neck.

A clear voice rang out through the clearing.

"Weapons on the ground. Now." 

"Hallelujah, the white knight has arrived!" The younger boy crowed as Artemis whirled to find a single cloaked figure standing in the center of the clearing. 

"Shut up." The figure snapped, revealing it's gender to be female. "Drop your dagger."

"Why should I? Who are you? You were here with them before." Artemis narrowed her eyes.

"Yes I was. I'm their guardian, as it is. Well, the younger one anyway."

Artemis blinked, trying to figure out what she meant. "They're brothers, are they not? Why protect one but not the other?"

"That's the story you got, huh?" The girl laughed. "The younger one is the son of my employer, the older one is a friend of his."

Artemis turned to glare at the boys, who grinned at her. The younger one's appearance shifted into a dark curly haired young man with blue-green eyes that seemed to change color. 

"Now, I'm going to ask you to let them go." 

Artemis laughed. "And why should I do that? Do you know who I am, who is surrounding you?"

The answer she got was completely unexpected.

"You are the goddess Artemis, and this is your Hunt. I do not see Thalia, but I do see Marla, Marielle, Danielle, Anna, Leanne, Lena, Belle, Doriana, Valencia, Julianne, Jemma, Lauren, Martha, Christina, Nicki, Yulanda, Pheobe, Katrina, Olivia, Emily, Zola, Francine, Gloria, Hannah, Irene, Polly, Samantha, Quinn, Sarah, Linda, Renee, Rhonda, Tessa, Tammy, Farrah, Ursula, Vixen, Wanda, Lana, and Arianna."

The girl accurately named every single Hunter in the clearing.

"Who in Hades' name are you?" Artemis asked, narrowing her eyes.

"One of the most dangerous people you'll ever meet. And Damien's protector so, my lady, let him go."

The 'my lady' gave Artemis a pause. This woman claimed herself to be extremely dangerous, yet called her 'my lady' like it was an instinct.

"Who are you?" She asked again.

"I have been forbidden by my employer to reveal that information."

"You could tell her, if you want." Damien said.

"Your father-"

"Isn't here right now. If you want to tell her, I wouldn't fault you."

The woman shook her head. "Just give me Tom and Damien, Lady Artemis."

"Why do you speak with so much respect to me?" 

The woman didn't answer. 

"Shoot her." Artemis ordered.

Arrows flew from every direction. The woman deflected and dodged them, then dashed into the woods.

"Split up into groups of three and find her!" Artemis ordered, already heading after the elusive intruder.

Soon the camp was empty.

"Too easy." The cloaked woman stepped out from behind a tent.

"I applaud you, Zoë. That was impressively done." Percy said as the daughter of Atlas cut the two of them free.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just get out of here before they return." She grabbed them by the arms. 

The three disappeared from the clearing.

"How do you do that?" Percy asked as they reappeared outside Stark Tower.

"Technically I am a celestial being, your father taught me how to teleport, in a certain sense of the word." Zoë smiled.

"Wonderful to have a true immortal on our side." Percy nodded.

[A/N this is taking a long time to get caught up, sorry guys]

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