Spilling Secrets

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Third Person POV

It was dark at Camp Halfblood. The cleaning harpies were patrolling like always, but they could only chase what they could see.

Nearly silent footsteps moved along between the cabins, leaving light imprints on the sandy ground.

Slightly labored breathing could be heard as the figure froze so they wouldn't be caught by a harpy that passed rather closely. The monster paused and sniffed the air, looking over to where the invisible person stood, but it continued on after a few moments.

After the harpy disappeared around the corner, the person seemed to debate something before breaking into a full on sprint towards the Hecate cabin.

Invisible sneakers padded lightly on the front steps as they paused to catch their breath, then stepped into the cabin.


The girl in question grunted and rolled over in her bed. "Who's there and what do you want?" Her normally dreamy voice was marred by sleepiness.

"I need a bit of magic. Regular and wizard mixed."

"You didn't answer the first question and I can't see you, no service. Especially not if you're asking for wizard magic."

"Can you see me now?" Annabeth pulled off her Yankees cap and flicked her hair out of her face.


Jason POV

We had taken to sitting at the Poseidon table. By we I mean the seven minus Annabeth and Percy plus Nico. 

"Dude, that looks really good!" Leo plopped down next to me and made a grab for my bacon.

"Back off, Valdez!" I smacked his hand and pulled my plate away from him.

"Thanks, honey." Piper, on my other side, grabbed a piece of my toast.

"Ugh, I just can't win!"

"Nope." Nico smirked from across the table as he also waved a piece of my bacon at me.

"I hate you all."

"Um, guys?"

We looked up to see Annabeth standing awkwardly a few feet from the table.

"I just...I want to say I'm really sorry for how I've been acting. It's really obnoxious and I should have stopped a while ago."

We looked at each other. "We forgive you." Hazel finally said. 

"Can I sit?" She motioned to the table.

Leo and I moved over to give her room.

Annabeth set down her plate as she sat and moved Leo's glass over a little to place her own on the table.

We went back to our conversation, occasionally including the daughter of Athena in it, but she chose for the most part to just sit there, asking Leo questions once in a while.

None of us really paid attention to their conversation until Leo spoke up loudly in response to one of her questions. 

"That one's easy! He's at Stark Tow-"

"Leo, shut up!" Piper barked.

The son of Hephaestus clamped his jaw shut and slapped his hand over his mouth, his eyes widening in the realization of what he had just said.

"Thanks, Valdez!" Annabeth stood with a triumphant grin on her face.

"What did you do to him?!" Piper demanded.

"Oh just a little liquid persuasion." Annabeth pulled a small bottle on a chain from her pocket. It was partially full with a purple substance. "He'll answer anything truthfully for the next hour or so. Later!" Leaving her plate, she ran from the pavilion, probably headed straight for the location she'd just recieved.

"Leo, go to Bunker 9. Don't talk to anyone, don't say anything, just go and come back after the hour is up." Piper ordered.

Leo nodded frantically and sprinted out of the pavilion, his hand still tightly covering his lips.

Hazel stood. "We need to warn him. If she shows up and he has no backup, who knows what he'll do."

"Piper, let's go!" I stood.

Piper leapt to her feet and I wrapped my arm around her waist before we took off in a burst of wind.


Percy POV

"You're going to choke yourself." Loki commented dryly as I chugged the half gallon of milk that Tony had handed me.

"I doubt he cares, Stark did offer him 50 bucks if he could get the thing down in one go without throwing up." Natasha pointed out.

I finished the milk and slammed the carton down on the table.

"Thirty seconds, Perce, that's all you gotta do." Clint reminded me as I hunched over, clutching my stomach like I was gonna puke.

This was too easy. With my control over liquids, as inexplainable as it was, I could easily keep the stuff down until my body digested it.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four..." Tony counted, frowning. "Three, two, one. Ugh, how did you do that?"

I looked up and grinned. "Talent."

"Sir, there are two kids on the balcony-" JARVIS was cut off by a familiar voice.


I ran into the living room to see a windswept Piper and Jason entering through the doors to the balcony.

"What's up, guys..." I trailed off, noticing their expressions.

"JARVIS, security-"

"Shut up, Tony. What's wrong?" I asked Jason.

"It's not Leo's fault, she tricked him. She's on her way right now, we knew you'd need support. I'm sorry, Percy we should have realized-" Piper was rambling as Jason caught his breath. He seemed to have flown the two of them here at top speed without stopping.

"Wait wait wait, who's on their way here?" I asked.

"Sir, there's a video message from the front door." JARVIS said.

We turned to look at the screen as the video was pulled up. I felt the blood drain from my face as my veins turned to ice.

"Percy?" Annabeth stared at me through the video.

[A/N DUN DUN DUN! And yes, it's Luna Lovegood]

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