TMI Loki

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Percy POV

"I remember bits and pieces of my time with Nyx." Loki grudgingly let an Apollo kid bandage his arm as he spoke. "I had a room that I was confined to. In terms of imprisonment, it was fairly comfortable... I've been in worse."

"And how often are you imprisoned?" Zoë asked dryly.

"Every couple years or so." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Nyx's palace would have been rather relaxing... if not for her constant barging in and nagging me."

The Apollo kid finished tying off the bandage and Loki moved as if to get up, but she gently pushed him back into the bed, saying something quietly in what sounded like Italian. Loki rolled his eyes and grumbled, but sank back onto the clean white pillow.

"How did she get you under her control?" I asked him.

A smirk crossed the god of mischief's lips. "That's an adult conversation that shouldn't happen around young ears."

I rolled my eyes. "Got it."

"You did ask."

"I did."

"Besides," Loki checked over the bandage on his arm. "It wasn't as if I threw myself at her the first time she suggested it. It took her weeks, I am not a prize easily won."


Loki winked at Zoë and she sneered back. I quickly moved the conversation along.

"But once you did say yes...."

"Lady Nyx has some extraordinary hold over the Greek Mist. Which could mean multiple things."

I nodded. "She either figured out a way to control it at a higher level...."

"Or someone is helping her." Zoë provided the other option quietly.

We sat in silence for a few moments.

"Hecate has seemed satisfied with the treatment of her children since the second Titan War. I see no reason for her to side with Nyx." I ran a hand through my hair.

"That doesn't mean that all of her children are accounted for." Zoë pointed out.

"I know. And having a child of Hecate on her side would explain those robots a bit too."

Loki snorted. "Those robots are nothing more than proof that Tony Stark thinks with what's in his pants when it comes to women, even dangerous immortal ones. I lasted weeks longer than he did-"

"Did you see Tony when you were down there?"

He shrugged. "Rarely."

"What does that mean?"

"I think we saw each other twice." Loki looked up at the ceiling as if he was thinking. "The second time it was clear he was under Nyx's control. We didn't speak."

I nodded slowly. "But he was there... do you know where you were?"

"Not a clue." Loki offered another bored shrug. I fought the urge to strangle him for seeming so calm in the situation. "I'd say somewhere secluded, where no one would question a building with no windows."

Zoë sat up suddenly. "What you said before-"

"Which part?" Loki asked, a cheeky smile playing on his lips.

She gave him a look that would probably have killed a lesser man. "I was getting there. Wipe that smirk off your face or I shall remove it for you."

"I'm terrified." He chuckled, but I did note a hint of caution in his expression.

Zoë growled quietly, then composed herself and kept talking. "When you said it took weeks for her to wear you down.... How many weeks would you say it was?"

Now Loki looked a little more serious, leaning back to think. "Maybe seven weeks? Eight? I'm not sure. Why?"

Zoë and I looked at each other.

Loki frowned. "What is that look for? What happened?"

"You've only been gone for three weeks." I told him after a moment of tense silence.

"What? That's impossible!" He sat up quickly, prompting a nearby daughter of Apollo to race over. "I'm still lying down, it's fine, go away. What do you mean, three weeks?"

Zoë was still looking at me, but it seemed like she was quite a ways away mentally.

"It's been three weeks, I don't know what else to tell you." I shrugged, ticking the milestones off on my hand. "You got taken and I came to camp, the Hunt came about a week later, the week after that I got claimed, it's been a little bit since then. Three weeks."

Loki opened his mouth to say something, but Zoë suddenly leapt to her feet, making both of us jump.

"Zoë, what-" She swept out of the infirmary before I could get my question out.

"It would seem she thought of something." Loki said dryly. "Pity she didn't share."

I got up too. "Look, just stay here and do what the doctors tell you to. It'll get you released faster."

The god of mischief huffed in annoyance, but I fixed him with a stare and waited for an answer.

"Yes sir." He finally grumbled, sarcasm heavy but words true.

I nodded sharply and followed Zoë.

She was easy to spot, with her cape billowing out behind her. Older campers reacted in surprise and shock to seeing her, and I briefly remembered that up until now she'd had her hood on around others.

"Zoë!" I ran to catch up with her.



"Zoë where are you going?" I fell in step with her, matching her purposeful strides easily.

"I know where Tony is. Someone needs to go get him."

[A/N I think if Thor: Ragnarok taught us anything, it's that Loki knows how to get to the top... if you know what I mean. But no one else wants to hear about it, obviously. At least I don't. No thanks.]

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