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Percy POV

I'll admit, I was excited to watch the orientation video. Chiron had asked me to re-make it a few years ago, thinking the old one was a little too...well, old.

"Hey kiddo!" Onscreen, I looked happy, my eyes sparkling with the mischief that people always told me they saw. Watching myself, I could see the 'skater boy' image that Travis Stoll used to insist I had.

"So if you're here, you've probably been attacked by something big and nasty and a close friend of yours probably whipped their pants off and revealed furry goat hooves and stuff, which means one thing!"

"You have a strange childhood?" Someone guessed from off screen. I smiled at his voice.

"Shut up, Grover! It means you're a demigod." Onscreen Percy grinned. "Being a demigod is great. You have this huge place you can hang out at, lots of friends to make, all sorts of things like that. Not to mention, possible death on multiple occasions, who wouldn't want that?"

"Percy, don't scare them." Annabeth said, also off screen.

"I'm not trying to scare them, I'm giving them facts." He turned back to the camera. "In all seriousness, kid, being a demigod isn't all fun and games. You've got a scent, so monsters will be able to track you unless you're here or at Camp Jupiter. If you don't know what or where that is, ask one of these people." He abruptly grabbed the camera and turned it to show most of the seven and Grover standing there, waving.

"Being a demigod means training hard, so that's what you're going to do. Someone will take you to the weapons shed, don't go in alone because you might set something off and blow everything up. When you're in the shed, you're going to pick out a weapon. My advice is, don't go for the biggest one just because it's the biggest. Pick something that fits you, your stature, your personality, things like that. The demigod helping you can usually figure out a little bit about you and they'll use that to decide what it would be best you work with."

I hadn't even remembered that. I would need to get a new weapon, since Zoë had Riptide.

"After you get your pointy death stick-yes Annabeth, I know, no scaring the kids, but it's an accurate description-you'll start going to classes. Yeah, classes! This place teaches kids, since we have kids that stay here all year. You can learn Ancient Greek, they've started offering Latin so if you want to visit Camp Jupiter, you can speak that too, then they have sword-fighting lessons, knife fighting, archery, swimming. It works just like a regular camp, except more dangerous!"


"What? They do have to know there is danger here. You'll be responsible for your actions kiddo, and that includes retaliating to bullies. A common punishment is washing dishes, which is harder than it seems since here we wash the dishes with lava. You'll see how it works when you get in trouble for the first time."

On screen me ducked a rock that had been chucked at his head. "Okay, okay, moving on. After classes, there's a lot of other things you can do! You can challenge yourself on the Lava Wall of Death- Wise Girl, I promise that the Stolls dared me to say it- or you can go swimming again. You can sharpen your skills at your weapon of choice, which will come in handy when Clarisse is charging you during Capture the Flag. Watch out for her, by the way. She enjoys stuffing people's heads down toilets their first day."

"Seaweed Brain, you need to explain what Capture the Flag is." Annabeth said.

"Right. Capture the Flag. It's your typical game, the one you played as a kid, but more violent. Athena and Ares make treaties with the other cabins, and those cabins fight each other during the game. How it works is one team has the flag and defends, while the other attacks and tries to steal the flag. The intricacies of our version will be explained to you by your counselor when you participate in your first game. 

"Oh, cabins! If you came here without knowing who your godly parent is, you'll be put in the Hermes Cabin. Watch those kids like hawks, they're all proficient pickpockets. And don't trust a thing Travis or Conner say.

"Once your parents claim you, which they're required to do by a certain age, you'll move into that cabin. I have a cabin to myself, being the only Poseidon kid here-"

"You are the only Poseidon kid." Leo interrupted from behind the camera.

"Demigod, yeah. Tyson is a Poseidon kid too, as well as Arion."

"They don't count, Kelp Head," Piper replied, "Keep going."

"Right, so when you're in your cabin, you need to know some rules for that too. You aren't allowed to be in someone's cabin with only one other demigod. The administration thinks things might happen." He grinned and winked at the camera. "You also have a curfew and if you're outside after it there are cleaning harpies that will eat your face."


"So that's all you need to know right now, someone will or already has shown you around camp and your counselor will answer any questions you have. Good luck, kiddo!"

[A/N So I think I'll be updating quite a lot today, we have a bunch of fifth graders at my school so none of us have class. I had to write about 7 postcards, but now I'm free to do what I want for the rest of the day! Then again, my computer moves really slow on the Student Union WiFi...]

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