Explaining to Death Breath

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Percy POV

Once Sam woke up, I prayed to Hermes.

Hey FancyFeet, can you come get your kid and his half sister and take them to Camp Half Blood?

Sure thing, Jackson.

And I told them my name is Damien.

Why? Never mind, it doesn't matter.

Hermes flashed in moments later. Nico and I covered Sam an Emily's eyes.

"Hello, Damien. Sam, you've gotten big! Oh hello Emily, Nico."

"Thanks for taking them, Hermes." I said. He nodded and grabbed the two by their shoulders.

"Alright, Percy. You've got some SERIOUS explaining to do." Nico grabbed me by the collar and shadow travelled us back to the room he'd met me in. No one was there. They were probably still downstairs.

"Okay. So after the fiasco with Poseidon saying he's not my dad, good riddance, I was in Bunker Nine. Annabeth came and broke up with me, saying she never really liked me. I'm assuming she dated me for the fame. I made that earthquake, stormed to my cabin, yelled at you, and left.

"Apparently this mortal organization thought I was a terrorist and decided to try and kidnap me. Loki Laufeyson helped me out of it the first time, then your dad picked me up and took me to the Underworld."

Nico frowned. "Then what?"

"I got blessed by a crap-ton of gods. And all five rivers of the Underworld."

His face was priceless.

I burst out laughing.

"Wh-who?!" Nico finally spluttered. I listed them off quickly.

"Dang, Perce, you're practically at the same level as Lord SparkPlug himself. What happened next?"

I finished the story, telling up to how I had woken up in this very room.

"Sir, the Avengers and Loki are coming upstairs." Said a metallic British voice.

"Uh thanks..."

"JARVIS. I am Mr. Stark's personal AI."

"Okay. Thanks JARVIS."

"Of course, sir."

"Don't forget to change your face back, Perce. I'm gonna go now. Something tells me that Thor won't like me." He disappeared into the shadows before I could respond.

"How'd you do that?" Tony burst into the room first.

"Do what?" I asked innocently.

"JARVIS just told us you were back. How'd you get up here without us knowing?"

I immediately gave Thor and Loki a 'shut up, say nothing' look before answering. "I walked up the stairs."


"I asked him not to alert you until I was up here."

"Where's your friend?" Steve asked.

"Nico? Dropped me off at the front door." They seemed to buy it. I could tell Loki was pissed about something. But what?

"What's eating you?" I asked him.

"I'm considered to be related to this idiot." He jabbed a finger at Thor.

"Ah. What'd he do, Mr. High and Mighty?"

"Didn't check his mental filter."

"Always fun. What did you do about it?"


Tony held up a hand. "What's going on?"

"Does it have to do with that 'true god' comment that Thor made earlier?" Natasha asked.

That woman was quick to the chase.

"Yes...." Loki muttered after a moment.


"I'm hungry." I announced.

"Okay..." Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"Can we go get food? Then maybe you can explain why your director tried to filet me."

"SHWARMA!" Tony screamed, running down the hall. I chuckled. A Greek dish. Ironic.

"Well lets go."


"So SHIELD thinks I'm a terrorist?" I laughed loudly. Several people in the place looked at me.

"Why is that funny?" Clint asked.

"Just about everything you told me they think was terrorism is either an accident or not my fault. More of the second option. Typical teachers."

"What does that mean?" Bruce asked.

"I was the skater kid, the one that didn't respect authority like I 'should have' so when something went wrong at one of my schools that they couldn't explain, I got blamed."

Tony grinned at me. "I like this kid."

"Percy?" A familiar voice asked suddenly. I groaned.

"Knew we shouldn't have gotten lunch in Manhattan." I turned to see cinnamon colored curly hair and gold eyes. Next to her was the Chinese-BabyMan. "What are you guys doing in Manhattan? Thought you were in Cali." I said, motioning with my eyes not to talk about the camp or half bloods.

"I came to see my brother. Frank came along for the ride." Hazel smiled politely at the Avengers. Then her eyes rested on Steve. "No. Way. KelpHead, explain."

Yay. I'll tell her the true story later.

"Well it started with my dad..."

[A/N so school's finally done for me! mixed feelings because I don't have to deal with annoying people *cough* Cooper Geode *cough* but I'm going to a different school next year and moving this summer so I won't see my friends anymore :'( life can suck sometimes

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