She's Always So Mean. Always.

838 37 7

"I called it!" Loki chirped again smugly as he and Zoë returned to Percy's bedside.

"You've mentioned so once or twice already, you insufferable twit."

"Easy Zoë-" Percy sat up slowly, wincing. "What was called?"

"Your informant for Nyx is that sneaky redhead." Loki told him.

Percy frowned. "Tantien?"

Zoë nodded. "Jeannie told us whose bed the box was under."

He shook his head. "That doesn't sound like Tantien at all. He's always been a nice kid, he helps out whenever he can, he's great with kids-"

"Luke Castellan was an upstanding leader of the camp and he led rebellious Titan forces by offering his body to Kronos." Zoë retaliated. "Besides, Tantien is a notorious pickpocket and con man, from what I remember of him."

"He got better when Marco came along." Percy shook his head. "I don't think you ever met him, but he and Tantien got really close."

"Well if they were so close, where is this Marco now? And why isn't he watching his friend to make sure he's okay?" Loki asked.

"Marco Rivera? He died two years ago." Will said as he came over to check on Tony. The mechanic was still out cold... or hot, from the way Will reacted he probably had a fever.

Percy nodded, sighing. "Tantien's mostly kept to himself since then, but he hasn't caused any problems."

"He likes to hide away in his cabin most days." The son of Apollo offered as he checked Tony's pulse, despite the man being attached to a piece of machinery that was beeping (a little too quickly). "He's still nice enough when he comes out and interacts with people."

Will frowned at Tony and walked off briskly to what Percy had always assumed was a breakroom/supply room or something of the sort. Zoë watched him go with raised eyebrows and reached over to feel the mortal's forehead.

"Ouranos above, his skin is on fire...." She murmured, understanding why Will was so upset now.

Percy glanced over at Tony. "I wonder why-"

"This isn't his first time having someone screwing with his mind. It's probably taken quite a toll." Loki spoke up.

Will returned as he continued, holding some medication and an IV needle that he proceeded to hook Tony up to. "Of course, I wasn't helpful the first time, but I didn't actually take control of his mind. I tried, yes, but I didn't succeed."

"I can't treat him with nectar and ambrosia like I normally would." Will shook his head. "And Emmy is out of commission for a week, the last time she healed someone she almost exploded. So I have to make due with the little shelf of mortal medical supplies we have in the back."

"We should get Banner in here." Percy suggested quietly.

"He's not that kind of doctor-"

"I know, but there's always a chance he'll know something Tony uses to fix these things."

Zoë shook her head. "No, we want Natasha here. She's a trained assassin and spy, she knows exactly what she's doing and she's probably more than capable of treating a fever-"

"Wait, Bruce Banner?" Will asked suddenly.

Percy nodded.

"Hades, if you could get him in here I'd be ecstatic. He was in India treating several local epidemics, even if he's not that kind of doctor he would probably be able to help."

Percy made an 'I told you so' motion to Zoë. She rolled her eyes and inspected a dagger that she'd pulled from her belt.

"Also, Will has a huge crush on him." Nico commented casually from the spot he'd just appeared in. Will shot him a scathing look.

"What did I tell you about doing that?"

"When have I ever listened when you told me to stop?" Nico retaliated with a smirk. He turned to Percy. "Your mortal friends are getting restless. They want to help somehow, but they know they can't get in here."

"Tell them we have Tony and we're taking care of him." Percy said. "And I mean, you can always tell Bruce we could use his help."

"If anyone cares, I'm okay too." Loki spoke up.

"They won't." Nico shrugged.

He huffed, crossing his arms. "Tell Thor, I assure you news of my health can make him happy."

"Loki does always make him smile." Zoë commented.

"Of course I do-"

"It's because you're a joke." She continued, deadpan.

"Ah yes, the scathing humor of Zoë Nightshade. Loki is a joke, and I'm a deformed acorn." Percy chuckled.

"I'm surprised you can remember that." She grinned. "I would have thought you've had too many concussions between then and now."

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