The Hidden Hero

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Percy POV

Piper led me around camp while Jason went to go tell Chiron and get the initiation video ready.

"What's that?"

"That's a rock climbing wall. It drops lava and stuff and shakes, it's kind of like a challenge course."

"Cool!" I exclaimed, then turned. "What's that?"

"Those are the Hephaestus Cabin's forges. It's usually pretty hot in there, so don't go in unless you're invited and you have the right protection."

"Do they make weapons in there?"

"Sometimes, yeah."


Piper chuckled. "If you think so. I prefer to be in the arena."

"There's an arena?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course there is! We had to learn how to do what we did to save you from those hellhounds, didn't we?" She explained. 

"I want to see it!"

"You will, don't worry." Piper promised.

"Who's this?" A familiar voice asked from behind me.

I forced myself not to smirk as I turned around and said, "Hi, I'm Percy Jackson!"

Annabeth's eyes shot wide and she stumbled back, staring at me.

"Y-you're who?!" She spluttered.

I looked at her in confusion. "I said I'm Perry Johnson. Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I just thought you said something else." She muttered, still staring at me. 

"Can you stop doing that?" I began to fidget.

"Doing what?" She asked.

"Staring at me like I'm a bug under a microscope."

"Oh, sorry." Annabeth shook her head as if to clear it. "Well, I'd better get going. Nice meeting you Per-I mean, Perry."

She walked off and Piper gave me a weird look before continuing to show me around camp.

"And those are the volleyball courts. It's fun to hang out there, play games, you know."

"Sweet! Do you know how to play volleyball?"

"I do." She smiled.

"What else do you do when you aren't training?" I asked.

"I surf. One of my friends used to do it with me, but he disappeared a little while ago and no one knows where he is."

"Who is he?" I asked curiously, though I knew perfectly well who she was talking about."

Instead of answering, Piper beckoned me follow her. We walked towards the familiar cluster of cabins, and I realized just how long ago it had been that those cabins had been only 12 in number, shaping a Greek Omega.

"Where are we going? What are those houses? Do they stand for different gods? Which one is your mom's?

"Just shush for a minute." Piper responded, not unkindly.

"Okay." I followed her silently.

We reached the center of the cluster of cabins and Piper pulled me towards my old one, still a very familiar sight.

What was unfamiliar was the bronze statue in front of it. I didn't know what it was at first, but when I recognized it, I felt a surge of panic in my chest.

The statue was me.

It was a familiar stance, my body in a defensive stance as I held my sword in a guarded position.

"Who's that?" I asked quietly to keep up my act.

"That is Percy Jackson, the most skilled demigod to ever step foot in this camp."

Her answer surprised me almost as much as the statue itself had. They really thought of me that way?

"Is he here? How skilled is he? Has he killed any immortals?"

"He has killed immortals. Kronos, Gaea and several of her children, as well as battling many other Titans and Giants. He's skilled in both Roman and Greek fighting styles, and would mix them together to fight. He has immense power and was thought to be a son of Poseidon."

"But is he here?" I asked again, sort of feeling bad that I was bringing this up, but acting the part anyway. "And why is he only thought to be a son of Poseidon?"

"Poseidon showed up on his birthday and said he wasn't actually his son." Piper explained sadly. "We don't know who his actual father is, it doesn't make sense at all."

"Oh." I muttered, inspecting the statue again.

"I'll be right back, okay? Stay here." Piper walked off quickly, leaving me standing in front of the statue of myself.

Walking up to it, I inspected my face. Whoever had made it did a fantastic job of rendering my expression, the one I held in battle when I was testing my limits. A smile twitched at the corners of my lips, an insane emotion flitted impossibly through those celestial bronze eyes.

When I glanced at the statue's hand again, I realized it was holding a real sword that had been forged to look like Riptide.

"Okay, time to show you the initiation video." Piper was back, smiling as she slung a bag over her shoulder.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to the other camp for a few days to hang out with one of my friends."

"Okay, have fun!" I smiled at her.

"Thanks, kiddo."

[A/N what do you all think? He's trolling Annabeth XD it's fun to write that kind of stuff]

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