Family Bonding Time

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Percy POV

I had a dream that night, one with a familiar face in it.


"Dad! Finally." I sighed in relief. "Are you going to claim me now?"

"Not quite yet, Percy. Zoë told me you had a bit of trouble at the camp today. Are you alright?"

I nodded. "I'm fine. If she hadn't shown up I would have been able to take care of myself."

Ouranos nodded. "Good. I decided to start visiting you in dreams a little bit to keep you company. It can't be easy all the time, being at that camp around people who may have hurt you."

I shrugged. "It hurts a little, but I'm used to it. I don't even see Annabeth that much and the others didn't do anything. I just hope I don't see Poseidon. I blamed him for the pain I was feeling, even though it wasn't his fault."

Ouranos placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure that if you should run into him and have to explain, he will be understanding."

"I hope so. I just don't want to have to do it before I'm claimed." I replied.


I sat quietly for a moment, debating how to start my questions. I'd thought up a lot of them in the past week or so.

"Alright, spit 'em out." Ouranos said with a smile.


"You're doing that thing I've been told quite a bit that I do when I want to ask a question but I'm not sure how to start it."


"Well, what do you want to ask me?"

I decided with the question I thought would be easiest to answer. "What would you have named me?"

Ouranos chuckled. "I did name you. That was one of the conversations I had with your mother, through Posiedon's voice. She wanted to keep your Greek heritage, so I suggested Perseus because it fit."

I was confused. "It fit?"

"You were a fighter, kiddo. Always kicking in your mom's stomach, fighting for air that you weren't ready for. You wanted to breathe, to run, explore. You wanted to see your father's domain before you were ready to survive. And you were a week early when you were born, which showed that need to be out."

I nodded, understanding. Perseus meant 'destruction.'

"Anything else? You can't have just wanted your old man to tell you what he would have named you."

"Well...would I look different? Or is this how I would look without the magic that conceals my identity?"

Ouranos scanned my appearance quickly. "You'd be about the same. The magic has taken root in you too deeply for me to remove it, you've grown with it for 20 years an it's morphed to your lifestyle. But I can tell you what you looked like before the magic and what you would look like now. Your eyes would be similar to the ones your little camp alter ego has. Dark on the outside fading to light."

I adjusted them slowly. "Like this?" 

"Yes. And your hair would be black, but not the same black as it was before. Ever seen the kind of black hair that seems to have blue lowlights in it because it's so dark?"

I frowned for a moment. "Yeah...."

"It would look like that."

I focused on changing it.

"And you're done." Ouranos said. "It's not that much different, but you do look more like my kid now."

I laughed. "Thanks Dad."

"Okay Percy." Ouranos rubbed his hands together, changing the subject. "How's your firepower been working?"

"It's going pretty well." I stood and held out my hand, showing him the bright starlight that appeared in my palm.

"Our sun." I changed to a darker orange color. "The next closest star to ours. I've also learned to mix them together."

Creating a ball from each sun, one in each hand, I slowly meshed them together in front of me, creating a color halfway between. It flared upward, but I brought it back down and controlled it.

"Wonderful job, Percy."

"Thanks." I remembered my other question. "If the sun is a star, does that mean you have superiority over Apollo when it comes to the sun?"

Ouranos tilted his head sideways, considering this. 

"Yes. I suppose I do."

I grinned. "Sweet. Jeannie owes me ten bucks."

"You were betting about me?" Ouranos raised an eyebrow.

"We had an argument. I was on your side, she was on Apollo's."

"Standing up for your old man, huh?" 

"That I was." I smiled.

"Well I'd better send you off to Morpheus. You aren't really asleep at the moment and he'll get suspicious of the boy who never sleeps and we may be discovered in some way."

I smiled and stepped forward, giving Ouranos a hug. "It was good seeing you, Dad. We'll do this again, right?"

"Of course, kiddo." He grinned. "See you tomorrow."

As the world began to fade, something clicked in my mind and I scowled jokingly at him. "I'm 20, I'm not a 'kiddo,' Dad."

"You'll always be a kiddo to me!" He called with a laugh.

[A/N yay bonding!]

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