I Have My Work Cut Out For Me

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Percy POV

I helped Zoë to her feet. She grabbed my hand. "Did you hear what he said before he sent us off?"

I nodded. "Is he serious?"

She smiled cryptically. "You'll have to ask him yourself."

"When?" I asked, irritated. "He doesn't have a physical form outside that little room, remember?"

"You'll see." Zoë smirked.

I groaned.

"Percy? Where are you?" Jason shouted.

I froze. "What do we do?"

"You introduce me like a gentleman or I shoot you between the legs." Zoë responded simply.

"Right." I muttered.


"I'm in the living room!" I shouted. "You keeping your hood up?"

The daughter of Atlas shook her head. "That wouldn't be the smartest thing ever."


"Percy, there you are! What-who's she?" Tony asked. 

"Hands up, how'd you get into the tower?" Natasha pulled her gun out. In a flash, Zoë's bow was out and at full draw. 

"Okay, okay!" I jumped between them.

"Move, Jackson." They ordered at the same time.

"No. Put the lethal weapons down and let's talk like civilized people." I turned to my left. "Zoë, please?"

"She armed herself first." The Huntress pointed out, not moving.

I sighed. "Natasha?"

"Who is she?"

"My friend. Shouldn't that be enough?" I turned to her.

Natasha narrowed her eyes at me. "How'd she get in here?"

"Who knows." I responded. "She's good at what she does."

"You aren't helping my case." Zoë pointed out.

"I'm trying!" I responded.

"Just let me do this." She pushed past me, lowering her bow. Natasha slowly lowered her gun when Zoë marched straight up to her and stuck her hand out.

The red-haired assassin slowly reached out and took the black-haired teen. "My name is Zoë Nightshade."

"Natasha Romanoff."

Zoë nodded. "A pleasure to meet you. Probably could have been better without the death threats, but what can you do?"

Natasha chuckled. "I like you."

I bit my lip to keep myself from groaning. Natasha and Zoë teaming up would not end well.

"Hi, I'm Tony." 

Zoë looked him up and down, sneering in disdain. "And what makes you think I care?"

I groaned in frustration. 

"Excuse me, this is my tower and I can kick you out if I wish to do so." Tony snapped angrily.

"Good luck with that, male." Zoë retorted.

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Trust me, it is. Especially when it's you."

"Okay!" I exclaimed before Tony could continue the argument. "Everyone, this is Zoë, Zoë, this is Steve, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Loki, Jason and Piper. Introductions done, I need to talk to you alone."

Zoë threw one last glare at Tony before following me into the other room. "What is it?"

"I need to know what you're going to do." I told her.


"You just came back to life! Are you going back to the Hunt? Cause if you are, you might as well castrate me now, they'll want to know how I did it and they'll want me to bring back any others and long story short I will be dead. If you choose to stay with me for some inconceivable reason, I will allow you to deal with Tony as long as you don't permanently injure him."

Zoë paused for a moment. "I'm staying with you."

I blinked. "Really? Why?"

"Ouranos' orders."

"You take orders from him?"

"He isn't bad, for a male. He gave me my space and kept the men in his court away from me." Zoë shrugged.

"Why do you have to stay with me?"

"Can't tell you." She said. "If I could, I would. You're okay, Percy."

"For a male?" I asked.

"In general." She smiled.

"Wow, thanks Zoë."

"Am I free to go castrate the old one now?" She asked.

I laughed. "Believe it or not, he's not the oldest in the room. And I have to ask you to refrain from castration. You can rough him up, but nothing permanent or impairing, okay?"

Zoë considered this. "I can work with that." She pulled a knife from her boot and inspected the blade. "Will the others fight me?"

"Not if you tell Natasha what I said. She'll keep them busy."

"I like Natasha. Think she'd join the hunters?"

"Probably not." I chuckled.

"Ah, well, one can only hope." Zoë turned and walked back into the other room.

"Are you leaving yet?" Tony asked rudely. Steve smacked him in the back of the head.

Zoë pulled Natasha to the side and began to speak quietly with her.

"Perce, who is that?" Piper asked quietly as I walked over to them.

"An old friend."

"So, you going to apologize?" Tony asked.

"No." Zoë replied confidently.

I grabbed Jason and Piper's shoulders and steered them backward. "This is going to get ugly."

Natasha was slipping between the men of the group, speaking quietly. They each nodded in turn.

"Then get out of my tower." 

"I will not. I'm staying with Percy."

Tony laughed. "Got a crush?"

"No. I'm under orders." Zoë cocked her hip sideways.

"From who, Princess?" Tony jeered.

"Percy's dad." Zoë snarled. "And if you get in the way of my mission, I will not hesitate to hurt you."

I winced as most of the room turned to me. "Your dad?"

"That sounds like a threat." Tony said.

"It was, you imbecile."

"At least I'm not a crazy kid who doesn't know what they're doing."

Zoë leapt at him, extending her arm with her dagger aimed at the billionaire's throat. Tasha held back the boys over on the other end of the room.

"Percy, what did she mean by your dad?" Jason asked.

Well, crap.

[A/N This is kind of a filler chapter....and yeah]

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