No Way!

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Percy POV

When I was sure I was fully in my body again, I didn't 'wake up' right away.

"Thor, what were you thinking, going full on against a mere teenager?" Natasha reprimanded.

"In Thor's defense, he did ask for it." Jason said. "He won't blame Thor when he finds out."

"If he finds out." Piper hissed. "What if he never wakes up?"

"He will. He's Percy." Loki replied.

I'd say now is a good time to acknowledge them.

The voice in my head!

It was the one that had explained Poseidon's gift when I was mute, the one that was helping me through things.

It was Ouranos.

You! I exclaimed mentally.

He chuckled. Hello, Percy.

You've got a Hades of a lot of explaining to do, you know that?

I'm sure I do. Now go talk to your friends.

I mentally huffed in irritation. Fine.

I opened my eyes to bright light.


"Agh, turn that off." I groaned.

"Percy, you're awake!" Bruce exclaimed.

"Yup." I grunted.

"We weren't sure if you would pull through." Jason explained.

"Well I did...For gods' sakes, will someone turn that light off?!"

"I'm on it!" Tony replied. After a few moments, the light above my head slowly dimmed.

"Thank you." I muttered.

"How are you feeling?" Clint asked.

"Like I just got blasted into a wall."

"Young Perseus, I am very sorry for my actions! I should have been more cautious-" Thor's head came into my vision as he apologized profusely.

"Thor! It's fine, I promise. I'm not holding a grudge, we were sparring, anything could have happened!"

"You might not think the same when you hear what your injuries are." Loki commented from off to the side.

"I'm fine." I snapped at him. "And even if I am hurt, it's not Thor's fault. Like I said, anything could have happened."

"Percy, are you sure you're okay?" Bruce asked. "You don't feel any pain?"

"My ribs are a little sore....but I'm sure that will go away."

"You're positive?" Jason asked, giving me a look that said 'we didn't get a chance to give you any nectar or ambrosia.'

"I am fine." I repeated. "That was a good fight, Thor. Thanks for doing it."

He nodded, seeming hesitant.

They knew I had broken my back.

But they didn't know it wasn't broken anymore.

"How long was I out?"

"About three hours." Tony said.

"That long, huh? You got a mean swing, big guy."

"He is a god." Natasha pointed out.

Not quite. I thought.

Jason and Piper seemed to be thinking along the same lines, their brows furrowed. Thor and Loki just looked uncomfortable with the topic in general, but they covered it well.

"Hey, Jason, you got any of Will's special stuff?" I asked.

Jason shoved his hand into his pocket, but Piper was faster.

"Here." She handed me a small chunk of ambrosia. I crunched down on it.

Mom's chocolate chip cookies.

"Thanks, Piper. You're a lifesaver." I grinned at her.

"What is that?" Bruce asked.

"Just a little homemade remedy from one of our friends. He aspires to be a doctor." Jason said.

"And he will be. He's a genius." I smiled. "Well, I'm rather hungry, who wants food?"

I made to sit up. "Percy, don't!" Bruce said.

"Why not?"

"Because, well...." He didn't want to say whatever it was, probably about my back.

"What? You guys are acting like I died and came back to life...."

Died and came back to life...

That would be what Zoë did. Ouranos spoke in my mind.


I twisted my neck to scan the room. "Wait, where is she?"

"Where is who?" Piper frowned.

"There was no one who just randomly appeared a minute or so before I woke up?"

"No...." Clint said slowly.

Where is she?! I asked Ouranos, panicked.

In the building, I'm not quite sure where.

"You're sure?"

"Ask JARVIS, he'll tell you for sure." Tony said.

"JARVIS! Where is she?" I asked.

"A girl appeared in the living room, but-"

I scrambled to my feet, ignoring the exclamations of surprise.


"Percy, you-"

"What just happened?"

I sprinted down the hallway, with only one thing on my mind.


Bursting into the living room, I spotted her immediately.

She was lying on her back on the floor, a few feet away. I could see her chest rising and falling.

She's alive!

I ran over to her, dropping to my knees and gently placing my hand on her shoulder.


Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing her volcanic-rock colored irises. "What happened? Where am I?"

I grinned. "Zoë, you're alive! He sent you back!"

"What?" Zoë's eyes widened. "Say that again."

I laughed. "Zoë, you're alive!"

[A/N yay Zoë! How would you react if someone you thought was paralyzed suddenly jumped up and ran off?]

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