My Family Is Screwed Up

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Percy POV

Let's just say, Dad's proposition didn't go over well with Zoë.

"Zoë, I need to talk to you." I told her.

"Not now, I'm helping Bruce with this." She was slowly setting the scientist's leg. "It's broken in three places, you have to let me set all of them."

The doctor nodded, but I needed to talk to Zoë as soon as possible.

"Zoë, αυτό πραγματικά μπορεί να περιμένει." I insisted.

"Στη συνέχεια, πείτε μου σε ελληνικά και θα συνεχίσουμε να δουλεύουμε." She retorted.

I shook my head. "Δεν θα θέλετε να κάνουμε κάτι λεπτό όταν ακούσετε τι έχω να πω."

"Γιατί δεν μπορώ να σας απλά δώστε μου ένα λεπτό?!" Zoë exclaimed.

"Πρόστιμο." I glared at her.

Zoë carefully set Bruce's leg and wrapped it. "You've got stuff in your lab that you can use to make the stuff for the cast, correct?"

"Yeah." Bruce muttered. "But I can't go get it and Natasha isn't in shape to do so. No one else is awake."

"Zoë." I said. "Αυτό. Είναι. Σπουδαίος."

"Εντάξει, τι?" She turned to me, arching her eyebrow and easily conveying her irritation towards me in her posture.

"Ο μπαμπάς λέει ότι πρέπει να τους πει για τον κόσμο μας."

"We what?!"

"It wasn't my idea!" I exlcaimed, holding my hands up in a gesture of surrender.

Zoë glared at me, then turned around, staring off into space. She seemed to be having a mental argument with someone, and I was pretty sure I could guess who it was.

"Fine." She finally said aloud. "Percy, you talk."

"Why do I have to do it?"

"He's your dad." She replied, moving to Clint, who was just starting to wake up.

"Well they all need to be awake before I can tell them." I told her.

Zoë rolled her eyes and stuck two fingers in her mouth.

Bruce, Natasha and I had about a half a second to plug our ears before she let out a piercing whistle. Thor sat bolt upright, Steve got to full battle stance, standing with his fists in front of his face, and Clint groaned loudly and curled himself into a ball, using his arms to cover his ears.

"Everyone's awake. Start talking." She told me.

I sighed, then realized that if I did this without Tony around, I had more of a chance of it staying quiet.

"Okay, you all need to swear you won't tell Tony any of this."

"Any of what? Why can't we tell Tony?" Bruce frowned.

"Perseus, are you going to speak of what I think you are going to speak of?" Thor asked.

"Yeah." I told him.

"I swear." Thor replied seriously.

"Thank you Thor. What about the rest of you?"

"Why should we?" Clint asked.

"Because if you tell Tony or anyone else without mine or Percy's permission, we are fully capable and willing to make you and whomever you told disappear." Zoë put in.

"And for Zoë, making someone 'disappear' can be very messy and violent." I told them.

"I swear." Natasha said.

"I guess I swear." Steve muttered.

"Alright, it's your story. I swear." Bruce nodded.

Clint looked at the other three with betrayal, then sighed. "I swear."

I nodded. "Alright, do you remember that fight that Thor and Loki and I had where you guys couldn't help and Loki was doing all that water magic and stuff?"

"Yeah." Clint nodded, as did the rest of the group.

"It wasn't Loki, it was me."


"But we saw Loki-"

"Prove it."

I rolled my eyes at Clint's response and flicked my fingers. One of the bottles from Tony's bar popped open and it's contents flew into the air, swirling in figure eight movements and forming different animals through my thoughts.

"How?" Natasha asked. She didn't look overly surprised, but her eyes were a little wide.

"My family."

"Uh, you're going to have to be a little more clear with that." Steve said slowly.

"I got all these powers from my family. Shapeshifting and charmspeak from my half-sister, my nephew- wow that's weird to say, I thought he was my uncle-" They all looked dumbfounded, "my nephew gave me power over shadows, my grand-niece gave me archery skills and swiftness of a wolf, grand-nephew gave me clear sight, stealing and lying like a pro from another nephew, my niece blessed me with power over regular fire, and then five ladies who aren't related to me gave me the power to do several things which I will explain once I tell you who they are. And from my nephew who adopted me as his son, I got the song of sirens."

"Come on, out with it, what did your dad give you? He wouldn't tell me." Zoë asked.

"My dad gave me control over the fire of the stars." I grinned.

"Okay, you have a lot of explaining to do...." Bruce said. They were all staring at me like I'd grown another head.

[A/N RIP David Bowie. hey look a chapter! writing that long paragraph about what he got made me realize how weird this is.... oh well! Greek translations below!

1. Zoë, this really can't wait.

2. Then tell me in Greek and I'll keep working.

3. You won't want to be doing anything delicate when you hear what I have to say.

4. Why can't you just give me a minute then?!

5. Fine.

6. Zoë. This. Is. Important.

7. Okay, what?

8. Dad says we need to tell them about our world.

Hope you enjoyed!]

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