Visiting Olympus

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By the end of the day, Loki had picked a good group of people to train in his style of magic. Percy couldn't complain about any of them, if he was being completely honest, and he'd been expecting to at least dislike one choice.

On his way back to the Big House, Percy's head suddenly began to pound. He stumbled, and someone caught him.

"Hey, Jackson, take it easy."

Percy shook his head, blinking. Everything was hazy. "Big House-" He managed.

"Got it." He could see red hair in the corner of his vision, but he didn't want to think about who it was at the moment. His head hurt too much. 

They made their way up to the Big House, Percy leaning heavily on the shorter demigod. "My room... it's down the hall...."

"Right or left?"


Percy stumbled and the other teenager grabbed him, pushing him up against the wall to keep him from just plain falling over. "Sorry."


The red-haired son of Nike offered him a slightly sarcastic smile. "Nope, Queen of England."

Percy grunted as another bout of pain slammed against his temples. "Sorry for... running into you." 

"I think you've got bigger things to worry about. Let's get you lying down and I'll get one of the healers." Tantien shrugged and pulled Percy off of the wall, adjusting his grip on the son of Ouranos.

"Thanks." He grunted, leaning on Tantien again. "You're stronger than you look."

Tantien snorted. "I'm tiny, I have to give myself some kind of advantage."

They moved into Percy's room and Tantien helped him to the bed, then turned and darted out of the room.

"This is my fault."

Percy looked up, squinting painfully. "Dad?"

Ouranos smiled sadly. "I'm sorry, Percy."

"What's going on? Why is my head hurting so bad?"

"It's a power overload." He sighed. "The blessings you received from all those other gods, piled under the gifts you have from Thalassa, and then how I awakened your powers."

"How do I-" He gritted his teeth as another wave of pain slammed against him.

"Get rid of it? You have to talk to the others who blessed you." Ouranos walked over and touched Percy's temples gently. The pain receded a little.

"The gods." Percy nodded weakly. "Makes sense... do you have enough power to send me up there?"

"I might. I want to wait though, until that boy comes back with a healer." Ouranos shrugged.

Percy sighed and laid back in the bed. 

Tantien didn't come back, but a blonde daughter of Apollo named Nelly peeked her head in. She checked Percy over and shook her head.

"I don't think I can help, Percy."

He nodded. "I figured... thanks anyway."

When she left Percy looked at the corner his father had been standing in.

Ouranos reappeared. "Okay. I have enough power to get you to Olympus. You'll have to explain quickly, then they'll have to gather those who blessed you before."

Percy nodded. "Do I need to close my eyes or any of that?"

"Yeah, eyes closed, you know the whole deal. You might want to stand up first though, you don't want to end up in the middle of a pathway on Olympus on your rear."

He chuckled and slowly pulled himself to his feet, wincing. "I almost think it would be worth the humiliation."

"You know that's not true." Ouranos smiled. "You need to keep some sort of strength with you, otherwise they'll decide you're too far beneath them to be of interest."

Percy sighed and nodded. "That's fair. Irritating Olympians."

Ouranos ruffled his son's hair. "Eyes closed, I'll send you up."

Percy nodded again and shut his eyes, taking a slow breath. He felt his father's hand on his shoulder, then the ground beneath his feet changed.

When he opened his eyes, he was standing in front of the Olympian throne room. Percy gritted his teeth.

He didn't particularly want to be there.

Another round of pain hit his head and he growled to himself.

"Only because I'll probably end up dead if I don't."

Percy made his way slowly up the steps and knocked sharply on the big double doors. They must be having a meeting, the doors were only ever closed then. 

Hermes opened it, looking a little surprised. "Percy?"

"Can-" More pain. Percy squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. "Can I come in? I need to talk to some of the Olympians."

He nodded and opened the door slowly.

Percy stepped into the room, looking around. They were in session, and it was a big deal. More than just the Olympians were there.

That was helpful.

"Percy Jackson. What can we do for you?" Poseidon looked a little wary.

Percy rubbed his face, gritting his teeth at another burst of pain. He addressed the whole group. "I need your help."

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