Undercover Beginning

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Percy POV

The team insisted on escorting me to Camp.

"Are you going to be okay?" Bruce asked me from his wheelchair.

"I'll be fine." I muttered. Just looking at the place hurt. I couldn't reveal myself to anyone Dad said, others might find out somehow.

"Your dad and I are planning something, you won't be alone for long." Zoë said quietly.

"Thanks." I nodded to her then turned and faced the group. "I don't know when I'll be back, but I am coming back. I dragged you into this mess, I'll help you claw your way out of it."

"Do you need something chasing you?" Zoë asked. "I could summon something up."

"That's probably a good idea. I'll lure it away so it doesn't attack you all and you can go back to the tower." I stepped a few feet away from them and the immortal daughter of Atlas began to chant quietly.

A dark hole opened in between us and a rather small hellhound jumped out.

"Just one? Even a ten ye-" Three more, larger hellhounds jumped out. All four began to snarl at me and I backed up, waving at the group.

"See you guys!" Then I began to run. I did a few large loops, then began to scream.

"Help! Help!" I was close enough for the people at camp to hear me, I knew I was. "Someone help me!"

A conch horn sounded over the hill.

"Help!" I started for the top of the hill, pushing as hard as I could. Truthfully, I didn't have a weapon at the moment, I'd temporarily willed Riptide back to Zoë to make my story more authentic.

"Over here kid!" I turned at the sound of a familiar voice. Jason and Piper were coming down the hill, weapons at the ready. It was weird being called a kid by them, then I remembered I had made myself 11, which was also very weird to think about.

"Get behind us!" Jason ordered. I scrambled for cover and the two of them easily defeated the four giant dogs, fighting like the well oiled machine I knew they were.

"What were those?" I asked, deciding I was going to channel my inner young Nico.

"Hellhounds." Piper responded. "Are you hurt?"

"My ankle feels a little funny, but I'm okay! Do you mean real hellhounds? Like, the Greek ones?"


Jason kneeled to inspect my foot. "Looks like you lightly twisted it. Let's get you in the border."

"The border? The border to what?"

"You'll see. Come on." Piper turned and led the way back up the hill.

I followed her. "Whoa!" Even having been here for a while, leaving Camp and coming back to it was refreshing. This was my home in the end, where I felt most comfortable.

At least, it had been. I saw a blob with blonde hair heading our way slowly and my stomach twisted.

"What's your name, kid?" Jason asked.

The name popped into my head immediately and I fought the urge to smirk.

"Perry Johnson."

The two of them looked at me for a second, then Piper smiled. "Well Perry, welcome to Camp Half Blood."



The rest of the Avengers and I returned to the tower. I just remembered that I had no clue what Percy had decided for his name. I could always ask Ouranos when we discussed our plan for his claiming.

Natasha cooked dinner and we ate. I made a point to stay away from most of the males. Working with Ouranos had made me a little more tolerant. Thor and Bruce didn't bother me much, neither did Steve, but I didn't trust Clint yet. I hadn't seen much of him so I didn't know how he acted.

"So you're immortal?" Bruce finally asked me.

"I am."

"When were you born?"

"When myths ran rampant on the Earth."

"You're that old?" Steve asked.

"I am. I was a Hesperide." 

"Was? Like, you aren't anymore?" Natasha joined in the conversation.

"I am not. I made a stupid decision."

"Which was?" Clint asked. I glared at him a little but answered the question anyway.

"I fell in love."

Natasha's jaw clenched and I could tell she knew what I was talking about.

"What's wrong with that?"

"I fell in love with a man who used me and destroyed me. And I aim to make him pay one day."

"How can you make him pay if that was so long ago?" Bruce asked.

"He lives on, immortal as I am. I shall destroy the fool, he surely deserves to have his ego deflated."

"Are you saying you want to pick a fight with a god?" Steve asked.

"It wouldn't be a fight. The man wields a club and I a bow. I would riddle him with arrows before he came near me."

"Is he well known as a myth?"

"Yes. But his myths are incorrect. They portray him as one of the most impressive heroes there is. He's nothing more than a deceptive cheat."

"What is this guy's name?" Clint asked.

My lip curled just saying his name, but I spoke it anyway. 

"Heracles, but I believe you would know him as Hercules."

[A/N So I'm still portraying it as Zoë gets more irritated with something, her old way of talking comes back a little, but not very much]

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