Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Percy POV


"Not gonna happen until we get to the training room!"

The smaller boy began to kick and punch, repeatedly hitting me in the kidneys. Refusing to put him down, I ran faster so I could make it to the training room before he hit something that would hurt more.

I could hear the Avengers laughing as I pushed myself into a sprint.

"If you run too fast you aren't going to be able to battle him!" Natasha called.

"Nope!" I called back before shoving through the door of the training room. "Watch your head, Neeks!"

His punches stopped as he wrapped his hands over his head to save himself.

"Thanks, Perce."

I dumped him unceremoniously to the floor. "You're welcome."

"Owwww." The son of Hades groaned. I grinned at him, then my mind wandered to when he was screaming at the Avengers.

"Nico, you know I'm not your cousin, right?"

Instantly I was met with a pair of angry onyx eyes. "The Tartarus you aren't. I don't care about blood, you are always going to be my cousin."

"Alright, alright, you win." I offered him a hand.

Nico grabbed my wrist and yanked me to the floor. As soon as I hit the ground he was on top of me. I shoved my hand between his arm and my throat to break the choke hold he tried to start, then elbowed him in the stomach.

"Oomph!" Nico grunted. I shoved him off and rolled over. He recovered faster than I expected and pounced on me again, trying to pin me down.

Faintly I heard Thor make a comment about us starting without them. Nico distracted me from that by punching me solidly in the face. I heard a faint crack that signaled my nose breaking.

Before my cousin could do any more damage, I pulled my legs to my chest and flung him off by pushing up. We scrambled to our feet and dropped into ready positions.

Nico struck first, flinging a dangerous right hook. I blocked, waiting for the next attack.

Sure enough, his next punch was aimed for my right kidney. Instead of blocking, I turned and kicked. Nico let out a yelp of pain as my foot connected with his hip. I took a quick swipe at my face to wipe away some of the blood, hoping it didn't stain my clothes too badly.

A rather small hand streaked towards my face, the skull ring on the middle finger glinting under the lights of the room. I dropped to one knee and swiped Nico's feet out from under him with my left leg.

Nico landed hard on his left arm and I heard another set of quiet cracks. He winced, but hooked his other hand around my leg and pulled me down as well. As I fell, I swung a kick at him that connected with his face.

Tony swore loudly as my head crashed against the floor. I rolled over and pushed myself up plank style before scrambling to my feet.

The spectators all let out some variant of an expletive when Nico and I drew our swords. It looked uncomfortable for the son of Hades as he held his injured arm against his stomach in an attempt to protect it.

Riptide met Nico's Stygian Iron sword in a shower of blue and red sparks. Using my height advantage, I stepped in and locked the hilts of our swords immediately, forcing Nico backwards slowly.

He sunk to one knee, fighting and pushing back with all the strength he could while only using one arm.

A shadow suddenly wrapped around my leg and pulled me backwards, away from the Prince of the Underworld. As I struggled to get closer again, he slashed his sword across my chest twice, leaving two shallow gashes.

"Cheater!" I called, shaking myself free from his shadowy clutches.

"Says who?" At his response, I smirked and flicked my eyes to the pool over to the side. Nico's gaze followed and he blanched. I lunged forward at the distraction and feinted towards his leg.

Unprepared, he just barely stopped the attack, but I had already changed my grip and my sword was now at Nico's neck. He ducked under the Celestial Bronze edge and swung his weapon in an arcing down-slash.

Our swords locked again and we pushed back and forth, fighting only with strength now.

'And with a twist of your wrist, disarm your opponent.'

I smirked as Luke's instructions from my first sword lesson blared through my head, then flicked my wrist to wrench Nico's blade sideways. The black sword went flying off to the side and crashed into the wall. A swift kick brought Nico to his knees and I laid Riptide's blade against his neck again.


He nodded, panting slightly. I resheathed Riptide and helped him up.

Nico let me inspect his arm and we found that he had broken it in two different places.

"You have the worst luck ever. All you did was fall over!" I assessed the rest of his injuries. He had a black eye from my kick, his shoulder was bleeding slightly from who knows what, and he was already covered in bruises that had formed quickly.

My nose and head throbbed at the same time and I grimaced. Broken nose, possibly a concussion, the cut on my chest and multiple bruises and small cuts from how hard we were fighting.

"Well," Tony announced. "That was violent."

We grinned at the same time. "Runs in the family."

[A/N VIOLENCE! Idk if that fight went too fast, do you think it would have? There are little bits that aren't described, obviously, but still. Anyway, VIOLENCE! They're packing my house up today and I'm still not happy about moving, so I'm taking it out here. Whoops XD Just kidding, I'm not doing that. I am a naturally violent person. You should have heard the threats I was spitting when my friend's ex started dating her best friend.]

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