I Get a Schist-Ton of Blessings

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Tony POV

"We lost him?! Uuugh, stupid Loki!" I shouted in frustration.

"I take offense to that." The Trickster God was in front of us again.

"Take him! If we can't get Percy, might as well tuck Loki away again." Natasha said quietly.

"I'll come willingly." Loki commented with a smirk.

"Why?" Steve asked.

"Because I know Percy's away from you."

Without hesitation I grabbed him and began flying towards my tower. After a 15 minute flight (I stopped for a doughnut. What? They're good!) I landed on the roof and took him inside, clicking a pair of handcuffs onto him. Loki simply sat there with an amused expression.

"Why is he here?" Nick asked, following most of the team in.

"Said he'd come willingly. And he took Percy somewhere so I want to find out."

"Why willingly, Loki?" Nick asked.

"Brother," Loki sneered, ignoring the director. "Do you know who you were hunting?"

Thor looked at him in confusion.

"Percy. Short for Perseus. Did they really not tell you? Perseus Jackson, dear brother." Loki said.

Thor immediately paled and turned to us. "I will no longer be participating in this hunt. That boy is a hero and deserves to be left alone."

"He's dangerous." Fury stated.

"HE'S A HERO!" Thor repeated angrily.

"Thor, what is it about this boy that you don't want to hunt him?" Barton asked.

"He deserves his privacy."

JARVIS interrupted. "Sir, there are sporadic lightning strikes occurring on Montuak Beach."

We looked at Thor. "The Graces..." He muttered.

"JARVIS, is Percy there?"

"Yes sir."

"Let's go." I grabbed Loki. "You're coming with."


Percy POV, right after teleporting with Hades

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My domain. My castle." Hades responded calmly.


"My brother wishes to kill you. Several of us disagree with his choice, so we're making it harder for him." I frowned in confusion.


"Hello, Perseus." I turned to see several people in the room. Hestia had spoken.

"Please, Lady Hestia, just Percy. Now what do you mean making it harder?"

Artemis stepped forward. "We're going to bless you. And I believe some of us are going to make you our champions. Not me obviously."

My eyes widened. "I don't want more power!"

Hades sighed. "Percy, it's the only way to survive my idiotic brother's wrath."

I debated and finally sighed. "Fine..."

Hades went first. "I, Hades the Lord of the Underworld, give you power over shadows and ability to call on other children of myself, AKA Nico and possibly Hazel. Use this power wisely." A black beam sank into my chest, feeling cold.

Next came Artemis. "I, Artemis, goddess of the moon and the Hunt, give you skills at archery. I give you the swiftness of a wolf and the ability to move silently. Use this well." Her silver beam was cold as well, but less so than Hades'.

"I, Apollo, god of the sun et cetera et cetera blah blah blah, bless you with clear sight at all times and the ability to shoot better, adding to my little sis's blessing." Artemis punched Apollo for the 'little sis' comment as he shot a bright, white-hot beam at me.

Hermes granted me the ability to steal and lie, earning a disapproving glare from Artemis as well. "Don't lose sight of the Percy you always were, kid." He added.

Hestia faced me. "I, Hestia, goddess of the Hearth, give Perseus Jackson the power of fire, ability to teleport with it, and the reassurance that he will never have to sacrifice to any gods again, should he choose it. I also make him my champion." Hestia's beam was firelight-orange. It felt warm and comforting.

"Thank you, Lady Hestia." I bowed.

Aphrodite came up next. "I, Aphrodite, goddess of Love, bless Percy with the ability to change his appearance, and less importantly, charmspeak." I rolled my eyes as her hot pink, rosy smelling beam hit me. That woman needs to sort out her priorities.

Next came 5 women I didn't recognize. "We are the rivers." They said at the same time. Then they stepped forward one by one.

Styx, a fierce looking woman with dark hair and eyes, granted me the power to release people from their oaths to her. She made me her champion too. Her beam hurt. A lot.

Acheron, a woman with blue eyes and brown hair who was wailing constantly, and Cocytus, a woman with dark brown eyes and brown hair who had tears running down her face at any given moment, collectively gave me the power to bring someone to their knees, reliving their worst times and wishing to give up on life. "Beware, it can only be used once or twice, the power surge from doing it could kill you."

I vowed silently never to use that. They made me their champion as well. Their beams made me want to kill myself from sadness.

Lethe, who looked similar to Styx, had a forgetful look to her eyes. Her hair was half styled, and one of her sandals was undone. "I grant you the power to erase memories. Use it carefully, Peter. You are my champion now." Her voice was wispy. I didn't bother correcting her on my name, the nymph of the river of forgetfulness wouldn't remember. Her beam made me lose my identity for a moment.

"Her blessing has the same restrictions of Acheron and Cocytus' gift." Styx warned for her forgetful sister.

Phlegethon had fiery red hair and eyes that flashed with flame. She looked like the more dangerous version of Hestia. "I give you the power to heal with fire, adding to Hestia's blessing. I also give you the ability to fight better, as fire is untamable. Be a warrior, young champion." Her beam hurt worse than Styx's. I felt as if I was burning alive.

"That's everyone. Use your powers wisely, Percy. Stay safe for us." Hades said. Then he placed a hand on my shoulder and teleported me away.

I landed by myself on a familiar beach. Checking my watch, only a couple of minutes had gone by. I wandered towards the nearest city block in search of food.

[A/N this chapter is so long! for Lethe imagine Lily Collins with a permanently confused expression and distant eyes. For Phlegethon if you look Deborah Ann Woll up just imagine her eyes as fire-red. Her hair is darker as Phlege as well, don't forget that. She's a river nymph of the RIVER OF FIRE PEOPLE]

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