22~The Second Miracle

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(A/N- Remember Timeskipz- 10 months Later)

Jerome's POV:

"Jerome. I'm hungry"Mitch mumbled.

"I know. Of course you are".

He narrowed his eyes at me then smiled. Playfully hitting my arm. I smile and gave him a quick kiss. I got up, went into the kitchen and grabbed chips and him a bottle of water. I jog back into the living room and sit back down next to him. He grinned like an idiot, but I still love him, then he took the bag out of my hands. He started eating and I wrapped an arm around his waist from the side.

"I love you baby".

"I love you too biggums"he smiled.

I leaned down and raised his shirt up to kiss his stomach. He smiled and suddenly wrapped his arm around his stoamch and groaned for a couple of seconds.

"You okay?"I said frantically.

"Y-Yeah", he looked at me and smiled ,"They both kicked".

I smiled and kissed his stomach again. He smiled wider and continued to eat chips.

"Mmm.....What?"I groan.

He was shaking my shoulder.

"Jerome wake the hell up! Jerome!?"he kept yelling.

My eyes opened and I looked at him.


"My water broke"he said quickly.

I sit up quickly and my eyes widen.

"What!? Why didn't you tell me"!?

"I fucking tried to"!

He was holding his stomach. I quickly got up, put on some sweatpants and a shirt and helped him put on sweatpants and a big shirt. Then I helped him out of bed, down the steps, out of the house and into the car. I grabbed his hand and drived. He was squeezing mine and his own knuckle white.

"You okay"?

"What the hell do you think"!?

"That was a stupid question huh"?

"Um yeah~ Ahh! Fuck"he screamed.

Soon after a couple more minutes of driving and him screaming, we were at the hospital.
(Timeskipz~ After The Babies Were Born)
"Congratulations. It's a boy and a girl"the doctor smiled.

Wrapping the babies in a pink and blue blanket and then handing them both to me while he sewed up Mitch's stomach. He had to give him a C-Section so that's why. Once he was done, I gave the girl to Mitch and I sat next to him.

"Oh Jerome. What should we name them?"he mumbled.

"How about we name the girl Betty of course and let's name the boy either Michael or James. I like Michael better though"I smiled.

He nodded ,"That's perfect".

After an hour we gave the babies to the doctor for him to take them to the nursery and I wrapped an arm around his waist. Kissing his cheek before he laid his head on my shoulder and snuggled into my side.

"I love you Jerome. I'm so happy. I never thought we would be parents to be honest".
I smiled ,"We'll we are. I love you too baby. You did good. Now you can sleep until we have to leave. I'll wake you up so don't worry".

He nodded and closed his eyes. Falling asleep in less then thirty seconds flat.
(Timeskipz~ Five Years Later)
"Michael! Put on pants now!"Mitch yelled.

Chasing him around the house.


I laughed while tying Betty's shoes for her. When I was done, she jumped up into my lap and we watched Mitch trying to put pants on Michael. I smiled and Mitch looked over at me and narrowed his eyes at me.


"I think you got this covered", he narrowed his eyes at me more ,"Fine. Fine".

I put Betty on the couch and walked over to the two. Sitting down and putting Michael in my lap. Wrapping my arms around his small torso with his arms to his sides. He was still wiggling.

"Michael. Put. The. Pants. On. Now"I stated.

"Never! I'm a bacca and baacas do not wear pants"he shouted.

Oops. Maybe I shouldn't of told him that part of being a bacca.

"I'm a bacca and I wear pants so you have to wear them also. Okay"?

He sighed and stopped moving. Mitch slipped the pants on and tied his shoes after he put them on.

"But we dont wanna go to school"Betty whined.

"Why?"I asked.

"Kids at school make fun of you two being together and us for being your kids", Michael answered ,"They say your not normal and it hurts us and that we have a weird family".

I saw Mitch's eyes glossen and mine widen. He frowned and looked at the ground.

"Guys. Don't listen to the kids at school. We're a normal family and no different then the other ones", I saw Mitch perk his head up torwards me and smile ,"Sure we are both boys and people think it should be a boy and girl family. Ours is different I agree to that, but I disagee and think ours is much better and even more normal. You'll understand more when you two are older. We can't explain everything to you two right now. Just ignore the kids at school. We are normal and....I love your mom. Nothing's gonna change that. Not even a kindergartener that doesn't even know what their talking about".

I saw Mitch laugh a little at that.

"What about parent teacher thingy? What are you two gonna do then"?

I shrug ,"We'll know when we get there I guess. Now come on. Get your stuff and we'll walk you two to the bus".

They smiled and I looked over at Mitch. He was smiling and blushing a little.

"Thanks Jerome"he mumbled.

I stood and helped him up. Giving him a quick kiss. I looked in the hall and saw they had their backpacks and then we left. Putting them on the bus. We got back home and I pushed him into the wall. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck with mine around his waist.

"Thanks for saying that ealier Jerome. That really made me happy"he blushed slightly.

"Don't thank me. It was the truth".

He smiled wider and slammed his lips with mine. Pulling back after a minute or two.

"I love you".

"I love you too babe".

(A/N- Okay guys so this is "the last chapter". There's an Epilogue left and then it's over. Luv y'all :3 )

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