7~His Fear

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(A/N- I'm sorry that this was late. I was still sick and had to go to the doctor and stuff so now I'm a little better, still some things going on, but I got another chapter done for you guys. Yay. I hope you enjoy and it might not be really detailed cause of writers block, so yeah. Sorry 'bou that. Luv y'all and bye bye :3)

Jerome's POV:

"Jerome! Jerome! Jerome"!

I groan. It was like opposite day. Usually I'm doing this to Mitch, but this morning he's waking me up my way.

"Yeah~ Mmmmm~ *stretch* ahhhh~ what".

I open my eyes and smile. He was straddling my waist with his hands on my shoulders. He seemed hyper, which is good to his sometimes blah and foggy days that he has alot.

"I wanna go somewhere today"he smiled.

I chuckled under my breath.

"I don't h-have any idea where to go though babe. Not unless you know a place".

He nodded and laid down on top of me and wrapped his arms around my neck. I sluggishly wrap mine around his waist. I was still tired. I swear he's like a kid sometimes, but I still love him even if he acted like a toddler.

"The fair's supposed to be in town this week and next week and I wanna go. Please Jerome"he begged.

"Mmmmm, I don't know. Do you think you've been good enough to go"I smiled.

"Please~"he stretched out.

I sigh, "okay. We'll go. I'm glad you actually wanna get out of the house by your own idea for once. Means you wanna get out more".

He smiled and nodded. He didn't get up to get dressed or anything so I looked confused at him.

"Why aren't you getting up to get dressed or something"?

"Your arms are still wrapped around me. I can't move"he laughed.


I remove my grasp from off him and he jumps up. Going to the closet and changing into his regular attire. I smile and get up myself. Making up the bed real quick then going to change also. Into a blue and green plaid shirt, white pants, grey nikes and my black hat, with DOPE in big gold letters. We go down the stairs after I grab my phone and the keys. He went to go out the door, but I got behind him and closed it with one arm beside him and one above him and on the door. Keeping it shut to. He yelped in surprise.

"Did you take your pills yet? Your not leaving until you do you know"I mumbled.

He sighed and moved out from under me on the other side. Going into the kitchen. I sat on the couch and propped my feet onto the table while I heard the two cabniets open and water running. Then it turned off and I heard the pill bottle lids unscrew while the bottle shook with the other pills bouncing around inside it. Then it screwed back on and the cabniets closed. Then it went silent for a bit until I heard the water being poured out a glass. Hitting the metal. He came back through the archway.

"There. Now can we go?"he said.

Crossing his arms until he came further into the living room and standing at the door.

"Did you really take them"?

He nodded over and over again. I smiled and jumped up. Wiping off my shirt then going to the door also. Giving him a quick kiss before opening it and we both go out. I lock the door and then we leave.

(This part and so on is a one shot I did earlier and I thought hey, why not add stuff to the beginning and make it into a chapter, so that's what I did and that's also why this part is in 3rd person so yeah. Okay bye and continue and I hope you enjoy the rest \~#3#~/)
Narrator's POV:

his sickness ✓ meromeWhere stories live. Discover now