Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The mid afternoon sun filtered into the study of the Goblin King. Jareth sat at his desk. Before him laid the employment documents for the Cat Goblin from the Kitchens. They hadn't been as enlightening as he had hoped. Well maybe they were. She had come from the Royal Palace. Who would leave the Royal Palace to come work at the Castle Beyond the Goblin City?

That alone had caught his attention. Had his mother sent her here to spy for her? It wouldn't be the first time she had sent someone to spy on him. Of course, that didn't make sense when she was barely around him. She spent more time with the dwarf than anywhere near him.

There was still something odd about her. He just didn't know what it was exactly. How did she know the Dwarf? The Dwarf rarely left the Gardens or his post outside the Gates to The Labyrinth.

Slowly, he stood up and walked over to the window. In a way there was something familiar about her, but he had never met her before that day in the garden, with the Dwarf. The Dwarf was clearly the key. He would need to pay the Dwarf a visit.

Jareth turned towards the door as it slowly opened.

"Thou wished to see me, Thy Majesty?" Sir Didymus peeked around the slightly opened door.

Nodding, Jareth walked back over to his desk, "yes, Sir Didymus. Please come in."

Sir Didymus walked in and gently shut the door. "Thy message was a bit vague. Thy wishes to know about M'lady."

Jareth nodded, "I know she's here, Didymus. I also have no doubt that you know where she is."

Didymus slowly removed his hat, "I do not know. The few times I have seen her she has come to see me."

Jareth frowned, "I know she's safe where ever she is, but I'm more worried about she has heard. She needs to know the truth of what happened when she ran the Labyrinth."

"Does thou fear what the other Fae will say? They never did understand what made M'lady special."

Jareth nodded, " yes. I am afraid of what others will tell her, like that dwarf friend of yours."

"Sir Hoggle does not hold thee in great regard, but he does care for M'lady."

Jareth almost cringed at the sound of the title the fox had given the little pain, "I don't want you to cause her fear, but can you show all the good I've done. I have no doubt he has been showing her only the bad."

"Of course, thy majesty." The little knight bowed.

"You are free to go, Didymus." Jareth moved to sit down as Didymus turned turned towards the door.

"Didymus, please tell her she's to be the guest of honor at the next ball."

Sir Didymus turned back towards him, "is there anything thou wishes me to tell M'lady?"

Shaking his head, Jareth sat down behind his desk, "no. You may go Didymus.

He watched as the fox knight left. He didn't know how she would react to the news not only did he know she was here, but he was throwing a ball just for her.

He leaned back into the chair. He should be using his crystals to follow the old fox to find where she was hiding, but there was a very good chance his parents would disrupt his magic. So he would wait. After all he had forever no, and forever wasn't long at all.

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