Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Work in the Kitchens of the Castle was hard, but not too bad. For the most part, Sarah was enjoying her new life. She saw her friends when ever she could, and she had even made a few new ones.

The one down side of the arrangement was him. The truth was she rarely caught a glimpse of the Goblin King, but that wasn't what worried her. Even though she had been told that we would not see past her disguise, Sarah still worried he would realize it was her.

After she had lived and worked in the Underground for months, rumors began to circle around the Castle. One of the biggest rumors was that the King was looking to marry. The fact he was holding a ball in a few days added fuel to the fire.

The Kitchens were in an uproar trying to prepare all of the food. Sarah was having to help bring in more water from the outdoor pumps. Bucket after bucket was beginning to line a wall near the massive hearths.

"Jenna, go gather this list of vegetables from that dwarf. You seem to be on such good terms with him," he held out a piece of parchment.

Sarah, Jenna as the Cook and others knew her, shook her head slightly and took the parchment. "Of course, Cook. I shouldn't be long."

The massive gray goblin looked at her. "You better not be. I have to get dinner on the table tonight as well as prepare for His Majesty's upcoming ball. I don't have the time to wait for you to visit."

Sarah gave him a quick nod before grabbing a basket and hurrying out of the Kitchen. The Cook was normally really nice, but he was under a lot of pressure to deliver. Sarah smiled slightly as she rounded a corner. At least, it meant she was escaping the heat of the Kitchens.

She almost skipped out of the Castle as she walked out of the door way into the sunshine. The vegetable gardens wasn't too far from the Kitchens, but it was a semi-decent little walk. Sarah began humming an old song her mother had taught her as a little girl as she reached the gate to the vegetable gardens.

"I can't take much more of this, Hoggle. They keep coming. I really don't have a choice anymore."

Sarah knew that voice, and it was a voice she really didn't want to hear. Of course, she had no choice now but to face him. She had to get the vegetables for the Kitchens. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the gate in and walked into the gardens.

There he stood in a loose poet shirt and tight black leather pants. The sunshine made his hair look even paler than it had when she had ran the Labyrinth. Sarah tried to calm herself. If he did see through the disguise, she would need her whits to deal with him.

Hoggle and the King both turned as the gate swung close behind her.

Hoggle smiled and came running up to her. "Ah, Jenna, what's brings you to the gardens?" He gave a quick glance behind him.

Sarah stood in shock at how Hoggle was acting around the King. Last time he had been so afraid of him. Had it all been an act? She gave him a soft smile and held out the list. "I need this list for the Kitchens."

Hoggle took the list from her and quickly read over it, "it shouldn't take me long to get everything. I already harvested most of what's on here." He gave another quick glance behind him as he took the basket from her. "Wait there, while I get em," he then ran off towards where he had piles of harvested vegetables.

She heard footsteps coming towards her. Sarah braced herself. She couldn't pretend to not know who he was. That wouldn't look good, but she wasn't sure how to act. Slowly, she turned to face the King. She quickly curtsied, "your Majesty."

He waved his open palm at her, "you don't' have to do that." he gave her a soft smile. "And you are? I know almost everyone who works in the Castle."

"I'm Jenna. I just work in the Kitchens." He didn't recognize her. She wanted to dance, but knew that if she did, he would know something was up.

"Oh, the new kitchen maid. I haven't met you yet, but you seem to know who I am." He gave her a quick nod as Hoggle came up with the basket.

"Here you go, Jenna. Everything the Old Wart wants." He handed it over to her as she turned towards him.

Sarah gave him a slight nod. "Thanks, Hoggle." Slowly, she turned back to the King. "If you'll excuse me, Your Majesty."

"No, please go on. I don't want him angry. Otherwise I might not eat tonight." He gave her a reassuring smile, or at least she thought that's what he meant by it.

Sarah turned around, pushed the gate open, and then quickly walked back to the Kitchens, looking over her shoulder every once in awhile. Once she entered the Kitchens, she relaxed a bit especially once the Cook had her peeling most of the vegetables she had just retrieved.

Sarah was just really happy he hadn't seen past what ever illusion the coat gave her. She was safe from him. Well, she was safe from him not knowing she was in his kingdom, but she wasn't truly safe. No, she wasn't completely safe from him. He didn't know he had her heart. Of course, he didn't know Jenna was Sarah. He would never know. He could never know.


It was dark in his study, his whole mood was dark. It had been just over four mortal years since she had refused him. Him the Goblin King. She had dared to choose her brother over him. Of course, she hadn't known that he had already sent the boy back before he had asked her, but that didn't matter. She had looked at him with those cruel beautiful eyes and refused him.

Oh, he had tried to move on. He didn't watch. Her name was not allowed to be spoken in his presence, but he hadn't been able to refuse Sarah of her friends.

He did his best to forget her, but nothing worked. At least, he had continued to not watch her. It would kill him to see her with someone else, some mortal.

He had no choice but to forget her. He now had to look for a bride. It was time for him to marry and produce an heir. If only it could be Sarah instead of some Fae harpy.

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